Chapter 46

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"-ura.. Sakura.." A voice called while shaking my shoulders.

I opened my eyes and saw daddy.

"Daddy.." I groaned and rubbed my eyes as I sat up.

"We have to leave now." He said.

"O-Okay.." I yawned and got up, but to be pulled back again. "What is it?" I asked.

"Why did the prince pull you out? On the first day, what happened? You acted strange after you got the map." He said.

I stared at him with wide eyes and sighed in defeat. He knows me too
well.. I told him the whole story minus the part where Gaara came in my room and kissed me.

Daddy looked at me in shock after I told him how the prince acted. He started to calm himself down after he recovered from shock.

"Calm down.. We are leaving anyway, so we won't be seeing him again." He nodded and sighed. I bet he regretted sending me to get the map or I wouldn't be in this mess. "No, its not your fault, dad. Okay?" I said and took a shower.

When I came out, he already helped me to pack my stuff and it's now on the bed. I smiled and grabbed my bag. I closed my door and turned around to see Gaara. We stood there for a few moments and thought of yesterday's incident. Both of us blushed and broke the eye contact. No words were exchanged. We just walked in silence.

Once we reached the hall of throne, daddy bid them farewell; before we were about to leave, a voice called.


We turned around and saw Hiroshi. He walked over to me and drop one knee on the floor. W-What?!? I stepped back and my eyes widened in shock. Everyone else as well.

"Sakura, the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew I've fallen in love. Your beautiful soft pink hair flows elegantly down your back. Your sparkling emerald eyes that shines ever so brightly. Your sweet unforgettable fragrance. I fell in love with you, Sakura. Will you marry me?" I gasped and almost choked on air. He looked at me sincerely. Everyone snapped their heads at me.

"U-Uhh.. B-B-But..umm.. I-I.. W-Well uhh..." I was stuttering badly. Worst than Hinata. "I-I-I-I-I'm s-sorry.. B-But.. I..umm.. uhh.. well.. I umm.." Everyone was looking at me. Oh God! The prince is asking for my hand! The King and Queen looked at me eagerly. Daddy and Gaara were glaring at him and looked intently at me. Temari and Kankuro stared at me in awe. Even Eiji and Orihime are here! Orihime was squealing while Eiji smirked.

I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I really appreciate it, but I'm sorry. I can't return those feelings to you, but thank you. Find your own princess who can fulfil your needs and loves you with all her heart. I'm not the right one. I'm sorry." I said and ended with a smile. The King and Queen looked disappointed. Kakashi and Gaara sighed in relief. Temari and Kankuro stared at me in disbelief. Orihime stared at me in awe. Eiji's smirk grew wider. Hiroshi's face shows that he hasn't give up.

"You are what I need, Sakura. I need you. I can give you all you want. You will be my princess, my queen. I promise to grant your wish. I will make you happy." He pleaded.

"I'm not. I'm sorry, but I'm not. I'm not ready for this yet. I'm not even thinking about it. For now, I just want to focus on my job. I have a lot to complete and I really love my job and my life now. Plus I'm not going to marry before my daddy!" I smirked at daddy while he sweat dropped, but I could tell he was relieved.

"Do you have..anyone you love? Anyone you have in mind?" He asked sadly.

"Anyone I love? Yes! My daddy and the whole of Konoha! As for anyone in my mind..well I'm not sure about that.." I blushed and grinned sheepishly.

Hiroshi smiled and stood up. "I understand. I won't force you, but I will wait for you. I'll welcome you with open hands." He gave me a tight a hug and kissed my nose. "Don't forget me"

I just smiled at him ignoring the death auras from daddy and Gaara. I bowed and uttered a good bye, then quickly pulled daddy and Gaara out before they kill anybody. Wait..why is Gaara so mad?

"Sakura, who is on your mind?" Temari asked. I blushed.

"I-I-I don't know!" I said.

"I can't believe you rejected a prince. A prince!" Kankuro said.

"What? I don't even like him." I said.

"This person in your mind must be worth it to reject a prince." He said.

"He is worth it.." I mumbled. Wait! What am I talking?? Who am I talking about?!?

"What did you say?" Temari asked.

"Nothing!!" I grinned.

While Kankuro and Temari tried to find out who is in my mind, daddy and Gaara were thinking a hundred of ways to torture Hiroshi.

Tearing his lips off? No..too nice. Kakashi thought.

Crush his lips with sand? No, too gentle. Gaara thought.

Published: December 2014
Edited: 25 January 2017

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