24 - Tuttugu og Fjórir

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I spent the day with my family. The thought of having the Belladonna vial kept the pain at bay.

Apart from a little soreness, I felt much better than I did this morning.

The children lit up our humble home with their laughter, as we all sat and ate, playing games and watching movies.

At around five, the doorbell rang and Bryn rushed to open it.

"It's Val!" he screamed from the corridor, and I turned around to see Valente, butterflies erupting in my stomach at the sight of him.

His small smile made me forget any remnants of pain in my body, and I watched him make his way towards me, sitting down on the carpet next to me.

His smile widened as he looked at me, but it wasn't the same as it is when he's truly happy.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing my butterfly. Why would anything be wrong?" he said.

There were many things that could be wrong. I could tell he was hiding his emotions and I didn't like it at all.

"Tell me later?" I asked him.

He nodded his head, letting me see a tiny glimpse of vulnerability on his face for just a fraction of a second before his Alpha mask was up again.

I touched his face and planted a kiss on his cheek softly without warning.

"Eww! Aunty don't give Val cooties!" Bryn screamed.

I laughed at the way Valente just sat there shyly trying to hide a smile, now highly interested in the board game in front of him.

Like we didn't sleep together last night.

At least this time his smile was real.

"Will you play with us Val?" Ymir asked him, pointing at the chess board placed between us.

Neither of the boys knew how to play, but they found it fun to drop my pieces by their own rules, so I let them.

"Oh I don't know, seems pretty tough Ymir. Will you teach me?" Valente replied, discretely coming closer to me.

"Of course we will! We taught Aunty Rayne too!" Bryn said excitedly.

"This piece is called a horse, and we call this one pointy-head," he said, starting to describe all the pieces strewn arbitrarily on the board.

As Valente seemed to hear the boys out through their adorable take on chess, his hand found mine, his thumb rubbing slow circles on my palm that caused a sensation of want in my chest.

"Rosa told me you were in pain again," he asked me privately.

"Renee brought a counter vial with her. It helped Valente," I said, watching him "learn" chess from the little ones.

"Thank goodness," he said sounding relieved, but his expression was one of sadness when Ymir pushed his pawn over with a rook, in a move that made no sense.

"Valente," I heard Renee say as she brought out snacks from the kitchen. She placed them on the center table.

Valente got up to give her a hug, before sitting back down with me. "How've you been Renee?" he asked her.

"We've been very good. You?" Renee asked back as she sat on the sofa behind her children.

Valente looked at me intently before answering.

"I've been good too, lately," he said. His words caused me to blush and I couldn't help but look away from his intense stare.

"Don't do that unless you want me to kiss you in front of your little nephews," he said through the mindlink. "We can both be ballsy."

Heir To The Iron Crown: Butterfly ✓Where stories live. Discover now