34 - þrjátíu og Fjórir

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It had been a few days since I had first woken up. Frida and I had both recovered enough to go home, however, we were asked to rest till the final bits of silver left our systems completely.

Regardless, here I was, waiting for Gramma to fall sleep so I could leave the house without her finding out.

I had decided I wanted to do this. I had to, for Valente's sake. So I picked up my bag, placing the box I had to take with me carefully inside, and leaving my house as stealthily as I could.

"You're acting like a criminal Rayne," Imadis said.

"I feel like one," I replied back.

I didn't want anyone to see me leave, so I walked behind the houses till only a straight short road was left till the edge of the pack.

It took me a few minutes to finally reach the front of Valente's house.

My thoughts of leaving Fathilagt were now pointless, given that Eidis was literally in a deep, dark hole, and Sylvia was awol.

But that didn't stop me from being more anxious, and less trusting.

Gramma was being highly protective of me too, and didn't leave my side all day till she finally tucked me into bed for the night.

It was about 11:55 pm now, so I could guess she was fast asleep.

As I stood in front of his house, I contemplated on whether I should ring his doorbell or not.

Although I knew his aunt wasn't home this time, I finally decided to climb into his room again. It would add to the surprise.

"I wonder why I had to be paired with the dumbest human alive," Ima said.

I rolled my eyes and walked around his house to get to the back. I held the pipe alongside the back wall to climb it.

"Don't even think about it Rayne," I heard his voice from above me.

Too late, I guess.

"I'm opening the front door, get your ass back there," he said, sounding serious.

I was a little disappointed, but also a little relieved because I've gotten myself hurt quite a bit lately.

As I walked back to the front porch, he'd opened the door already, leaning on the edge of the doorway, eyebrows raised expectantly.

Hello handsome.

I reached up to him and kissed him, not too hard nor too soft.

"Happy birthday," I said to him softly.

His tough-man look dropped instantly, and he pulled me inside, closing the door behind me.

He kissed me back hungrily, just as I placed my bag gently on the floor. His fingers were instantly running through my hair, pulling me closer. It felt amazing to be with him again.

He let go a bit, so he could speak, but he took just enough space as was needed.

"It's not my birthday baby," he said, his arms tightening around me.

"Well, I know. But I missed it. With everything going on, I highly doubt you celebrated it," I said to him.

He sighed.

"I didn't even realize it was my birthday till I checked the days since you went into the coma. It wasn't a good feeling Rayne, waiting everyday for you to wake up. Don't worry though, I spent that whole day with you," he said.

Heir To The Iron Crown: Butterfly ✓Where stories live. Discover now