11 - Ellefta

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I smiled at his gesture. Even though the future was so uncertain for us, he seemed sincere in his affection.

"I should probably go now," I said, now getting up. I didn't know how late it was, but I was sure Gramma would be wondering when I'd come home.

His grip on my hand tightened.

"Just mindlink Rosa and tell her you'll be staying the night at a friend's place," he said.

Did he just ask me to stay the night?

My eyes went wide at his words, but he didn't seem fazed at all. He meant to say it, and he did.

"Valente-" I started.

"Rayne," he said, stopping me before I could say anything. "I would never make you uncomfortable in any way. I want us to be together, I really do. But I wouldn't ask you to just jump into this relationship thing. At the same time, just give me a chance to win your heart," he said.

You already have.

I shook my head slightly, pushing away those thoughts and also Ima who seemed all too excited.

I couldn't embrace whatever feelings I had right now. I told him what caused my reservations.

"I never thought having a mate would be a curse," I said, not being able to look at him.

"I," I started, sighing. "I like you Valente. But, if we're not mates-"

"I'll mark you when you're eighteen, then we'll be mates regardless," he said to me, sitting a little straighter, a wide smile on his face.

That didn't convince me though. I knew that if you bit someone who's not your mate, you'd create a puncture wound that would eventually heal, but there wouldn't be a permanent mark and a mate bond between the two people.

"I don't think that's how it works," I told him.

"It works for me," he said, winking at me. I wished he hadn't done that, because I knew I was even redder now.

I tried to maintain composure so that he could take my concerns more seriously.

"Mates are supposed to be perfect for each other. If we're not mates, and still choose to be together, we won't be compatible. Right?" I asked him.

He paused for a second, then put his arms around my waist. Hesitant at first, but then a little tighter, resting his head on my shoulder in a hug.

It was sweet, I felt secure in his arms, and the warmth coming from his bare body gave me comfort.

"What do you think about our compatibility?" he said in a quiet whisper, snuggling me close as much as he could as we sat on his soft carpet.

Gramma raised me a simple woman. I've never had very high expectations for my mate. All I've wanted is a consistent companion in my adventures through life. Good and bad.

The way Gramma described her relationship with Grandpa. If my mate could give me that much, I'd be happy.

But I don't know Valente well enough to commit to anything. I think we've just slowly started to open up to each other, going straight from never talking to each other to potentially being together for the rest of our lives.

I think we've skipped so much in the middle, that if we aren't really mates, we probably won't be happy in the long run.

And for werewolves, that's really long.

"I can't commit to anything right now Valente," I told him honestly, although my hands found their own way around him as I hugged him back. His skin felt smooth underneath my fingers, and I couldn't bring myself to let go of him.

"I'm not asking you right now," he said in a whisper. "I'm just asking you to be mine. It doesn't matter how long it takes for you to decide. I'll wait."

I slowly let go of him so I could look at him.

"Why me? What's so special about me that you're willing to let go of your own mate somewhere out there?" I asked him.

He smiled at me, his grey eyes twinkling.

"Reasons," he said in my mind.

I hit his chest lightly, and crossed my arms, looking away from him.

He held my chin in his fingers to pull my face back to his, and he looked into my eyes as if he could see into my very soul.

"I think there's a little something about being an Alpha that Rosa hasn't told you about," he said to me, his thumb caressing my cheek.

My forehead was creased with confusion. He laughed quietly at the way I was looking at him.

"Don't play around Valente. Just tell me!" I said to him, very annoyed and a little louder than I meant to.

He put his finger on my lips.

"Shh, aunty's asleep remember?" he said. His finger moved to twirl the curled tendril of hair on the side on my face.

"I literally just told you. And I find it funny that you didn't figure it out yet," he said.

"Val!" I was getting frustrated now.

I hated not knowing things.

His hand dropped from my face to the floor beside me, and I hadn't realized how much I was enjoying the contact till it was gone.

Then I heard his voice, soft in my mind.

"Alphas choose their own mates, and I'll choose you."


Author's Note:

Raynhildur is a rare Icelandic name for girls which is made of two parts: Rein, an Old Norse  element which means 'tree' (specifically the Rowan tree grown in the Northern hemisphere, and is shown in the picture at the beginning of the chapter) and Hild which is Old Norse for 'fight' or 'battle'. It is pronounced Ra-in-hild-er but is shortened to Rayne as in "reign" or "rain".

I think the name fits her perfectly because Rayne is very connected to nature, she feels stronger when surrounded by trees, and is level-headed and strong if she needs to be. The term 'Rein' fits her for this reason, whereas the 'Hild' represents the warrior in her.

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