20 - Tuttugasta

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I didn't want to fight Eidis because I didn't want to hurt her. But the look of shock on Sylvia's face when Delta Osvald called out for me, made my feet move on their own accord.

I was easily the best fighter in my class. But that doesn't mean I'll still be better than the rest in a few weeks. All I have is a head start because Gramma has been training me since I was a child.

So I couldn't get too cocky, even with just Eidis. I wasn't intimidated at all while walking ahead in front of so many people, but I didn't let my capability get to my head.

Eidis, on the other hand, was doing a really bad job of hiding the slight tremor in her fingers as she held her hands tightly behind her back.

"That's right girl. You better be scared," Ima said, to which she received an internal eye-roll in response.

"Only hand-to-hand combat is allowed. Any other means of attack or defense will immediately cause defeat. Try to use the drills we've practiced, and keep your movements quick, clean and accurate," Delta Osvald advised us.

Both of us nodded our heads and moved towards the center of the training field where everyone stood to watch.

I mean, ya'll don't have your own training to get to?

Neither the Delta nor Sylvia said a word about how everyone stopped what they were doing, waiting to witness a fight between two people who've always hated each other passive aggressively. Although Eidis has been far more vocal about her feelings these past couple of weeks.

I looked at her take her fighting stance in front of me, and I could immediately tell this girl wasn't going to play fair.

Her stance was clearly ready for an attack, as she couldn't afford to lose in front of Sylvia.

Maybe I should let her win this.

A growl resounded in my mind. Ima was getting angry.

As soon as the Delta motioned for us to start, Eidis jumped to attack me.

As she moved to punch me in the stomach, I shifted her arm to another direction, playing defensive. She tried again, this time for my face, only for her hand to be deflected again.

Frustrated, she tried to kick my feet from underneath me, but I twisted her arm with one hand, causing her blow to weaken and barely touch my leg.

I let go of her, waiting for what she would do next.

Her movement was highly predictable, and that made it easier for me to play defense. Hopefully she'd tire herself out before I made a move to attack.

This back and forth went on for a while to the point where sweat had started to roll down her forehead, and I stood still, awaiting her next move while she tried to catch her breath again.

I took that second to look at the Delta and Sylvia who stood at a distance. Sylvia's face showed agitation while Delta Osvald seemed genuinely bored.

I looked back at Eidis, as she readied herself for another attack.

She tried punching me again, but this time when I pushed her right hand away, her left hand came up to scratch my face with her longer than allowed nails.

I could feel the sting of the mark that was sure to form from near my ear to my chin.

I was sure that could've disqualified her from this fight, but I didn't call it, neither did the Delta.

I could feel Ima's irritatation rising.

The fact that she was able to cause me slight pain gave Eidis confidence. She came back, this time wrapping her fingers around my short ponytail, and pulling down hard, enough to give her leverage for a punch right on my face.

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