14 - Fjórtánda

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As Sylvia walked past me after giving me one last glare, she didn't turn around till she was at the door. I held my breath till I heard the door slamming shut.

I didn't want to look at Gramma. I didn't know what she thought of me. It was true that I did spend most of last night at Valente's, but nothing happened.

I didn't realize I was crying till Gramma came up to me and wiped my tears.

"Raynhildur, you are the strongest amongst us. These tears don't suit you," she said softly, holding my hands.

I knew deep inside, as strong as I pretended to be, I was terribly vulnerable. Gullible enough to start dreaming of a happily-ever-after in one night. Forgetting that not everyone is my biggest fan around here.

"Gramma are you upset with me?" I asked her.

Gramma smiled a soft smile.

"Do I look upset with you Rayne?" she asked back.

"No, you don't," I said, sighing with relief.

"I'm not upset with you. But that Sylvia," her eyes lit up with genuine anger. "One of these days, I'll show her what I'm made of."

I smiled at the way she said it. I knew she wouldn't ever hurt anyone, but if you didn't know Gramma as well as I did, you'd believe her.

"How did she know they were mine?" I asked her.

"What?" she asked, a little confused.

"The shoes. How did she know they were mine?" I clarified.

"Oh. Yes. I asked her the same thing. You wouldn't believe what she said," Gramma told me, amusement now highly evident in her eyes.

I raised an eyebrow at her.

"She said that if there was ever a girl in Valente's room without her knowing, she knew it'd be you," Gramma said.

I paused for a second to process it. And then both of us burst out laughing at the same time.

"Did you really climb the back wall into his window? Oh Rayne!" Gramma said, sitting down now, still laughing. "Honey you're something else."

I looked at the floor and just smiled sheepishly.

It actually was kinda dumb.

"Told you," Ima said in my mind.

I sat down on the sofa beside Gramma.

"Gramma what am I going to do?" I asked her.

"What do you mean?" she asked back.

"About Valente," I said, my fingers fidgeting.

"What's there to be done?" Gramma asked.

"I mean, I do like him Gramma. Do you think he would choose someone else?" I asked her, the question automatically bringing the anxiety back.

"This isn't some human-like infatuation my girl. I know the way he's looked at you since you were children. And I know the way he looks at you now. It took you this long to like him back, but he made his choice years ago," she said to me, stroking my hair softly.

Her words eased up the lump in my throat a little.

"What do you think Sylvia will do?" I asked Gramma. "She seemed pretty serious about keeping me away."

Gramma sighed. She took my hand into hers, and traced a finger along the ring that she had gifted to me.

"Bryn gave me this ring. It was a gift amongst many others, but this has always been one of my favorites," she said fondly.

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