38 - þrjátíu og Átta

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"All warriors and those able to fight will stay, everyone else please gather inside the pack house," Delta Osvald's voice reverberated through all of our minds. The stability in his voice was extremely reassuring.

"Rayne, go with the others," I heard Valente's voice.

"I won't leave," I told him sternly.

"Rayne, I need you to leave now," he said. "This isn't safe for you."

"And it is for you? For Gramma?" I asked, looking at Gramma who had also shifted and taken an offensive stance beside me. She was older than almost all the pack members of Fathilagt, but she still was a warrior at heart.

"Rayne please listen-"

Valente's voice in my mind was cut off as the howling wolves came into view, along with unshifted foreign warriors of the same number, all being led by one person.


I saw Eidis's limp form clinging onto his arm with whatever strength she had left. Clearly she couldn't stand without support.

And then I saw the most surprising sight of all.


Tied up with thick wires, a tape stretched roughly on her mouth to keep her quiet, I watched as she struggled to get free but she couldn't. They have probably given her something which is why she couldn't shift. And watching this sight confused me.

Who are these other wolves?

I heard Valente growl besides me loudly, a growl of contempt, but more so, he was hurt. I could feel Valente was absolutely distraught at seeing Kristján stand in front of him as a traitor, rather than a friend.

Valente shifted back into his human form, tying his ripped tunic around his torso, and walking out to the front of our group to face him.

"Valente," I spoke to him, trying to convey my fear. There were so many factors of uncertainty, it made me anxious to no end.

"He brought Sgriosaire to us. Good thing we've been training for this day. They may have surprised us now, but we have an advantage of having home ground. We'll kill them all," Valente said to me in my mind, and by the sudden growls I heard all around me, to all the warriors who stood ready behind me as well.

"What have you done Kristján?" he asked him, surveying their numbers, and I could already tell he was strategizing.

"What have I done?" he replied, sounding incredulous. "I've done exactly what you deserved Valente. You don't deserve to be our Alpha. You can never take over Sgriosaire now, once they're done with you."

"What did I ever do to you Kristján? I thought you were my friend. I made you my Gamma," Valente said, disbelieving.

Kristján scoffed.

"Gamma?" he spit on the ground in front of him, showing the utmost level of disrespect for an Alpha. I could tell Valente's hands were shaking in anger, but he maintained composure.

"All these years I've stuck by your side, did all your bidding. Everything you asked like your loyal fucking dog. And what do you give me? Huh? Gamma! You give me fucking Gamma like I'm supposed to be happy with that?" he said, also shaking in his anger. The only difference was, Kristján was blinded by it. "You didn't even have the guts to tell me who you chose as Beta. All those trips you made to the Palace, you stopped taking me with you, stopped telling me when you left, when you'd come back! Heck you even rejected my sister before giving her a chance!"

Heir To The Iron Crown: Butterfly ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora