Chapter 21: Terms of Enlightenment

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Chapter 21: Terms of Enlightenment

Gus was nervous, which was an odd feeling for him. Given the craziness he dealt with on a regular basis, it was mildly surprising that he rarely felt this way. In fact, he couldn't remember the last time he felt nervous. Probably fifteen years ago...on my wedding day. Once again he was taking a leap of faith into the unknown, riding shotgun with a mystery partner. That was the proposition he and another nine billion Humans were now staring at, whether they knew it or not. Gus shook his head and hoped this time it would work out better than his short-lived marriage did.

It was a massive leap of faith...potentially into a bottomless abyss.

To be fair, Humanity had faced many struggles over the millennia, often overcoming long odds that favored extinction. This was no different. It would just be another challenge in a long line of challenges that every species faced along the eventual extinction.

Gus shook his head at his musings. You can't bullshit a bullshitter...


This time was different.

This time they were facing a far superior adversary that actively wanted Humans to disappear forever. And yeah, that was new...and scary.

"Sir?... Sir?" asked Joliet, a bit louder this time.

Gus snapped out of it. "Rick, I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"Our guests have arrived."

"Everyone?" asked Gus.

"Yes, everyone."

"OK, good. Please make sure everything is completely secure in the Command Room. I want you to personally check every security detail before one word...or one communicated. I don't have to tell you what's at stake and the potential price we all pay for having any of today's discussion leaked outside of that room."

"Understood," responded Joliet and exited the office.

Gus rubbed his face. Then with a sigh, he rose. He needed to harness his internal nervousness in a way to make sure Humanity had a fighting chance.


"Hello, everyone. I appreciate you all coming on such short notice."

Gus looked around the Ops Command Room (OCR) which included an electromagnetically impenetrable translucent glass ceiling. He couldn't believe his eyes or the fact that Humanity's future existence was in serious question. How had it come to this so quickly? Here he was, in covert discussions with factions that just months earlier were Ministry enemies, coupled with face-to-face—and mind-to-mind—interactions with unknown alien species that somehow, unfathomably, held the fate of Humanity almost entirely in their grip.

It was beyond surreal. But Gus knew full well how real it truly was.

As he observed the occupants of the room, he sensed a general weariness. At least he wasn't alone in that regard. He allowed himself to smile, knowing they could also see his tired eyes and newly-formed wrinkles.

He often joked that he had President's Disease. A disorder defined as an accelerated aging condition brought on by endless responsibility and worry. A process that was now in full overdrive. But appearances meant absolutely nothing at this point. Now was the time for preparation and action. That was what today's gathering was all about.

Gus hoped that the OCR's open, natural lighting would help soften the mood somewhat.

"As a way to kick things off," Gus continued, "I ask that you take a moment to introduce, or in some cases, re-introduce yourself to the group... Let's start from my right."

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