"What do you think you're doing Randall?" Jax said, staring the kid down. Jake was a linebacker, he wasn't exactly small, but Jax was a military raised boy and he was furious. Randall threw his hands up with a smirk.

"Sorry, is she your piece of meat for today Meyers?" Jax's nostrils flared and Xepher nearly abandoned his post beside Aria to beat the kid senseless. Jax pulled the kid back and slammed him into the wall again. He coughed as the wind was knocked out of him.

"What was that again?" He growled.

"What, you didn't hear? She's just an easy lay. The whole teams heard. Quiet little mouse; makes things so much ea-." The sound of Jax's fist hitting the kid's jaw cut off his sentence. Xepher felt satisfied as the kick fell to the ground, clutching his jaw.

"I suggest you let the team know that is anyone ever tries to touch her again all three of us will take turns to personally destroy your ability to play ever again." Jax said through grit teeth. Jake glared but still took off with his tail between his legs. Jax turned back to Aria.

"Are you okay?" He asked. Xepher looked down at her she nodded her head.

"I-I'm sorry." She rasped as she grabbed her bag and left the cafeteria before anyone could stop her. He felt cold where her hands had been holding onto him.

"What the hell was that?" They turned to see Raven and Kenzy standing there, students going back to their lunches. Kenzy's eyes were brimmed with tears, Raven's were filled with rage.

"Who the hell started that rumor?" Kenzy asked.

"Karen." Xepher tensed at the voice behind him as everyone looked over at him. Raven walked up to him and smashed her finger into his chest.

"And how do you know?" She asked.

"I heard her talking to her groupies. After she took down Cassidy." Luke said.

"And how are we supposed to trust what you say?" Marco asked.

"Because he has feelings for Aria now." Jax said, nearly making Xepher's jaw snap with how hard he was gritting his teeth, holding himself back from punching Luke in the face. Raven scoffed while Kenzy gasped.

"I know, I know, it's messed up, but that's what it is." Luke said, tucking his hands in his pockets, embarrassed.

"Look, that's not the point, and that's not the reason I came to you guys." Luke continued with worry etched into his face.

"What is it Luke?" Xepher snapped.

"I also heard Karen say she wants to put her in her place. She said she'd make her ugly, so you won't look at her again. Today." Xepher's stomach dropped. Karen was going to jump her?

Aria was excused from gym class due to her hand injury, and so she decided to head to the library. She'd finished the book she'd been reading at lunch and went searching for a new one. She spent the rest of that period roaming the library, looking through books and picking out a few that would keep her attention for the next few days. Before she knew it, the bell rang, and she was heading out of the library to make her way home. It was raining softly, causing the snow to because a muddy mush.

She turned the corner to the parking lot that lead to the street she usually walked down when she felt a hard shove in her back. Pain laced through her as new cut Daniel had put on her Monday night was pulled, and she barely caught herself from falling in the slushy mess of snow. Her bag fell with a splash and Aria looked up to see Karen standing there, wearing more comfortable clothes than she normally did. Aria wanted to laugh at the cliché Karen represented at that moment, her minions behind her like a teen drama.

Her Savior (Book Two Of The Brave Series)Where stories live. Discover now