9 | Polyjuice Potion

Start from the beginning

Ron stepped forward. "Don't," he whispered. 

Harry felt the words on his skin. A dark cell, Hermione's screams. God, he was so helpless. He couldn't do anything, he couldn't-

"I'll never forget Bellatrix Lestrange," Ron told her, laying both of his hands on her shoulders. "She's dead and rotting in the deepest, darkest pits of Hell."

The wizarding world moved around them, but the three of them were stuck in that dark manor years ago. Terror and grief and weakness.

Then someone laughed, and Harry jumped. 

"I-" Hermione cleared her throat. "I'm only saying that women can break the law too."

Ron snorted. "Yes, well, I knew that a long time ago. I'll never forget you breaking the law a time or two." He flicked her nose.

She flushed, swatting his hand. "Ronald!" She looked around.

Harry grinned. "I've got a feeling it's a man, but I'm open to the idea. Promise." He walked to the lifts. "But we'll know for sure soon."

"And then this whole mess will be over." Ron nodded.

"What about the warning?" Hermione asked. 

"Excuse me," a dark-haired woman in a dark blue jumper muttered, moving around Hermione.

"It's got to be about this. When we catch Fyrefox-- ow!" Harry cried out, pain shooting through his hairline at the nape of his neck. Hermione and Ron jumped, along with a few people around them. They all stared. He rubbed harder as the pain lessened. "Bloody hell."

"What was that?" Hermione turned him, looking at where he was rubbing. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Harry replied, rubbing still. "Something just... surprised me. Hurt almost like a- a pinch or a bite?" He frowned. "I'm okay. Must've been a bug." Weird. 

Ron scanned the high ceilings. "You never know what the Ministry has flying around here," he said.

"There's nothing but the interdepartmental memos, Ron! Honestly. You work for the Ministry now. Show some respect." Hermione shook her head and stepped into the lift when it chimed. 

Harry followed them in, catching sight of a figure disappearing through the crowd in the other direction. Long, brown hair and light skin, but he knew the way they moved, knew that face. The hair was wrong, but it was her. His heart clenched, and he took a step forward.

"Do you think I have time to drop Hermione off at her office?" Ron asked. "Harry?" He added when the man didn't answer.

Harry's gaze shot towards Ron. "What?"

"I'm gonna walk Hermione to her office. I'll meet you at the briefing."

"Yeah, that's fine," Harry said, looking back out the lift as the door but she was gone.

"Harry?" Hermione asked.

"I thought- It's nothing," he told her, forcing a smile. "Make sure Ron's not late. Robards will throw a fit."

*               *               *

Ginny stood in one of the bathroom stalls and grinned at the few black strands of hair in her hand. They belonged to one Harry Potter. Too easy. He really should be more aware. But that was her victory today. She slipped the strands into the flask of Polyjuice she held.

It happened so perfectly, it was almost like Fate wanted this.

She'd been walking through the atrium, watching both employees and the public. Just a little under an hour before it was time. A plan started forming as she walked to the Ministry building after meeting Vander. She had the Polyjuice ready, just not who use for it until she spotted Ron and Hermione.

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