1 | A new case

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"Potter, I need to see you in my office."

Harry looked up from his mountain of paperwork to see Gawain Robards standing at his office door. Since he began working with the Aurors five years ago, he learned that when the Head Auror summoned you, you went. No questions asked.

Sighing, he ran his fingers through his hair. The stirring of a massive headache tingled in his temples, but he didn't have time to make a potion, let alone stop by the infirmary to get one. He exhaled, taking in the reports on his desk then regarded the set of the wizard's shoulders and his furrowed brow. "Let me just finish up this one report." He patted the parchment then added, "Should be no more than half an hour."

"Hurry." With that, the man left, shutting the door behind him.

Another day, another meeting. He pinched the bridge of his nose. Merlin only knew what this one was going to be about. They certainly hadn't pointed out how many meetings there would be on the road to catching dark witches and wizards. No one would join if they did. 

He sighed. After he finished the never-ending pile of reports, he'd hoped he could head home. It seemed a long night was ahead of him.

Rubbing his forehead, he looked down at the report and forced himself to concentrate. He'd find out about the meeting soon enough.


Harry leaned back in his chair and took off his glasses. He rubbed his face and fought a yawn. Finally, he finished the report. Putting his glasses back on, he checked the clock on the wall. It said, "Later than you thought it was!" He groaned, checking the watch Mrs. Weasley had given him. It was already six. Half an hour had come and gone. Hell. Time to get to the meeting. 

With that, he left his office, shutting the door. He rolled his neck as he moved through desks, only stopping when he spotted Ron to his left, leaning against the corner of the wall. He spoke to someone out of view.

"Ron!" he said. He hadn't seen his best friend in two weeks. Ron had been on assignment for a week, and before that, Harry had been away.

The redhead looked back and a suspicious grin appeared on his face. "Harry! How've you been?" he asked, stepping away from the corner. "Talk about perfect tim-" He leaned back then snorted, shaking his head. "Chicken," he muttered.

"What was that about?" Harry asked, turning to look too, but the corridor was empty except for a few Aurors passing by. He didn't think any of them were the one Ron had been talking to. "Who was that?"

"Nobody, it seems." Ron shook his head. "Anyway, how'd your assignment go? It's been too long!" He pulled Harry into a one-armed hug.

Harry grinned. "There was some investigating then a fight finished off by a whole lot of paperwork." He shrugged then added, "It went well. Yours?"

"I'm still kicking." Ron patted his chest, grinning. "And one more bastard's locked away in Azkaban."

"That's what I like to hear." Harry looked at his watch. "I've got a meeting with Robards now. How about dinner tomorrow? I need to see Hermione before she comes looking for me. It's been a while."

"That woman's not right in the head," Ron told him, chuckling. "Sounds great, mate. See you then." Ron patted him on the back then started for his own office.

"See you." Harry nodded as he turned the corner. 


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