29 | Monkey Suit

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Something was wrong. If Jack didn't know any better, he'd think Sharp was avoiding him. That brought up a mixture of emotions, confusion, hurt, annoyance. Not that it made any sense. Why was he avoiding him?

What had he done wrong?

He ranked a hand through his hair as he paced outside the Minister's office. The man and the President were having a word in private. Quiet words between two powerful leaders. To be a fly on that wall...

The President would be leaving in two days, and there was a part of Jack that was ready to go with him. And if things went according to plan, they'd have Fyrefox and the Golden Unicorn Horn in hand tonight. Maybe they should leave right after. That would probably be best.

He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. Everyone would be happier if he did.

A bitter feeling formed in the pit of his stomach. Damn. He straightened and paced before the door. What had he done? Was it something he said? He'd never expected Sharp to turn so cold, out of nowhere.

Stop thinking about it. Let it go. Sharp obviously doesn't want anything to do-


He stopped, heart pounding. Sharp. Holy crap. Jack turned. How was it possible that he looked so good at this time. Jack swallowed then licked chapped lips. The truth was, he always looked this good. Even better sleepy-eyed and lips parted and beautifully tattooed body. Jack's body stirred. He cleared his throat. "Sharp. Good morning."

Sharp slipped his hands into his pockets and looked down both ends of the hallway. "Potter would like you to join us for a briefing before we meet with Robards." He paused and peeked at the Minister's closed door. "Do you have plans with the- The President?"

Jack frowned. "No. His meeting with the Minister is now." He took a step back and nodded towards the elevators. "I'll just need to get one of my team up here."

Sharp watched him step back a few steps then nodded. He followed at a slower pace. Until they reached the elevators. Once inside, Jack couldn't handle it. This was ridiculous. Regardless of what changed between them, they were grown men. They could chat amicably, goddamit. 

But when the doors shut, Sharp turned his back to him.

Sweet Jesus.

Jack's hands clenched into fists. Get it done, Jack. C'mon.  His mouth opened, but nothing came out. He shut it and frowned. Why the hell was it so hard? He cleared his throat, and Sharp's shoulders stiffened. 

"How was your night?" he asked awkwardly. God, when did he become this guy? Usually, he was the smooth, suave guy. He was the one who was swift and cool. How did this happen?

"It was fine."

And that was it. Silence again. Merlin. He ran his hands through his hand again. What the hell?

"What about yours?" 

Jack's eyebrows rose, and he looked at the other man. His back was still towards him, but his head was turned slightly. He caught the green enough to make his heart speed up. 

"I had an early night. A quick briefing with my team, a small meeting the President, and-" Sharp stiffened again and turned away. What the hell? He exhaled. "What?"

Sharp didn't respond.

Now he was ignoring him right to his face. Hell no. He grabbed the man by his arm and spun him towards him. "What's your deal?" When the man didn't respond, he wanted to scream. Instead, he let him again and tried again. "What's wrong? Why're you avoiding me?"

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