Chapter 1.

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"We must help them, they be wiped out if we dont" The princess spoke, her voice showing how desperate she was. 

"We will not join this war" Queen Colleen replied coldly as she continued reading papers needing her approval. 

"But" The princess tried to argue only to be have her father glared at her.

"Katie, We do not hold the power to save them nor will we risk out own kingdoms to save a race that shows no promise to us" King Sam hissed back making his daughter freeze.

"Fine, If our half of Altea wont save them then I just have to win over uncle  Alfor .. He understand the treasure in all life" The princess snapped back and stormed out of the room not caring to listen to her parents yells. 

She knew it would be a couple days travel to reach the main castle of Altea instead of her home castle but she would make it in a day with her own horse Moonlight. She rid without mercy to her horse, she felt guilty but she had to reach the other half of Altea and gain the power she needed to help save a planet from death by the galra hands. 

Altea was a planet filled with Alteans, a rich, powerful, strong, wise, caring and worthy race that held knowledge and slight powers. But as it was ruled by King Alfor and Queen Melenor, it was also ruled by King Sam and Queen Colleen. Altea was half into two kingdoms since the planet was large and filled with life meaning one king could not keep an eye on all. So the planet was split into two kingdoms that joined as one but had two royals over looking the kingdoms to keep everything peaceful and free.

King Alfor and Queen Melenor have a daughter known as Princess Allura who will one day become Queen when she becomes the age and her father can no longer rule. King Sam and Queen Collen have two children, Prince Matt and Princess Katie but prince Matt would become the next king next.

"Katie" Prince matt spoke with worry at seeing his sister in their uncle castle clearly not having slept in a couple days and been riding for a long time.

"Matt, I must speak with Uncle. They going to die unless we help" The princess begged as she ran over to her big brother by four years.

"Yes it seems the war has became worse but what about our parents" Matt asked as he hugged his sister.

"They will not agree to help, If we wait anymore then they will be killed completely. I'm not asking for a war, I just wish to save them from extinct. Even if we make a deal with the galra just to keep them alive instead of war" The princess replied and her brother nodded in understanding.

"Follow me, Uncle should be in his study alone. I just hope he will agree unlike our parents" Matt mumbled and took his sister hand before running and leading her to their uncle.

"As do I" The princess mutter while they ran.  

Soon they reached the King study and her brother knocked on the door, he wished his sister luck before watching her walk inside. Matt decided to stay outside the door to make sure no one else would bother the two and keep an eye out for anyone who might try to listen in. He just hoped their uncle wouldnt take the same path as their parents otherwise they might lose the princess not just the human race. 

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