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Third person p.o.v

It's midnight and Jimin is making his way through the dark streets on the way to his run down appartement.

He hopes his parents aren't awake and that he can sneak inside his room without getting beat up.

As he arrives he sees an unfamiliar car outside their house. What confused him the most is that it's an expensive car, an Jaguar.

He looks at the car in aw and quickly snaps out of it and walks inside the house.

He sees four bulky men inside the house dressed in all black and having a dangerous aura and masks on.

He tries to sneak past them but his mother sees him.

"You have finally arrived you piece of shit!" his mother shouts and glares at him. The four men look at Jimin but don't say anything.

"Where the hell have you been?" yells his father and then throws a beer bottle at him.

Jimin dodges a little bit and the beer goes against his hand. "I was at work. Took longer than it should, father" Jimin answers looking at the ground.

"I didn't know you have a son, Jihyuk (Jimin's father)." exclaims the man in the middle, Yoongi.

"I don't consider him as my son, Mr Min"

Yoongi nods and looks at the fragile boy.

"Anyway, I think you already know why we're here" asks Hoseok.

Jihyuk and his wife nod.

"You need to pay 1.000.000 $. You have a week time. Did I make myself clear?"

Again, they nod.

"I think we can get you already got some money for you" speaks Jimin up.

"I have here 20 000 dollars and I think there are still some kilos of drugs in here. How much is 1 kilo?"

"1 kilo is 500 dollars" Namjoon answers him, looking at him weirdly.

Jimin starts walking through the halls and enters his parents room.

"You faggot, don't you dare getting them our drugs" yells his mother going after him.

His mother stops him before he's able to enter their room, punching him in the face and then with her heels stomping on his stomach.

He stands back up and pushes her away. He is shocked with himself. He had never opposed his parents but at that moment he didn't care, he needed to pay them back.

He takes an empty box and fills it with their drug. He walks out of the room to an other place where he finds even more.

He packs everything in the box and the box is already filled with how many drugs he put in it.

He goes back to them setting the box down and walking to his room getting the 20 000 dollars that he had in hs backpack, so that they don't think he was walking around with 20 000 dollars.

He walks back up and hands it to them.


Hoseok walks forward to the box and looks at the drugs, examining the condition and if it's really drugs.

"It's really drugs. It's from our merchandise, so it's an advantages. We have here 50 kilo or more that means...25 000 dollars. They already paid 45 000 dollars. There is still 955 000 dollars."

"You have until next week"

"We won't be able to retrieve so much money in a time span of a week" exclaims Jimin.

"Too bad" mocks Yoongi "If you don't have the money by next week your parents are dead and you will maybe put in auction."

Jimin shakes his head "Give us some months"


"Do you want that money or not?" Jimin says quietly.

"I GIVE YOU ONE WEEK NOTHING MORE IF YOU WANT I CAN GIVE YOU THREE DAYS TOO" yells Yoongi getting frustrated with the kid.

"Even if you give us months my parents won't give you money nor will I have enough money"

"What do you mean?" asks Seokjin frowning, his motherly instincts are trying to kick in since earlier when he saw his mother and father yelling at him insults.

"The both of them are jobless and drunk or high the whole time. Even if I work no one would give so much money to a student or young man"

Yoongi sighs looking Jimin directly in the eyes. Jimin's eyes are blank, void of any emotions, which runs shivers down his spine.

Yoongi thinks for a little bit before looking at Jihyuk "If you sell him to me, your debt is paid" shocking his members who still wear blank faces to mask the shock.

However, Jimin's parents are happy of the news and don't hesitate to agree.

"Yes! We accept. You can have this waste of space"


The four mafia members look shocked at the sudden outburst but the parents don't care and go up to him kicking him again and again without caring that the mafia is there.

Jin wants so much to help him but he can't because the mafia is supposed to have no pity, so he let's them be, knowing that he will go with them and he will be able to treat his wounds.

"Sorry for our rudeness Mr Min. He will pack his things immediately" Jihyo (Jimin's mother) says bowing to him and making Jimin stand with disgust in her eyes before pushing him to the basement.

Jimin looks around him after his mother went upstairs and he starts packing the most that he has. Not that it's much.

He quickly takes out the money he has been hiding for many years now and hides it in his bag.

He looks around once more before realizing he forgot something very precious from him is still there.

He takes the necklace, bracelet and picture with him before going up to the gang members.

"You ready to go kid?" asks Namjoon looking at Jimin who only has two bags with him and nods.

"Don't you have something more than only this"

Jimin shakes his head. Namjoon sighs before signaling Jimin to follow him.

The others already were in the car waiting for them.

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