Chapter 5: Skateboarding

Start from the beginning

"I don't understand, why would you lie to me, I'm your best friend," then suddenly I got protective "Shall I beat him up for you?" I enquired.

She laughed, "No, that's okay Ali but thank you, now c'mon lets go make some hot chocolate."

Even though I was happy that Serena had told me about Leo I was still a little hurt, all these years we had been friends and she failed to tell me this? What did she think? That I was going to judge her. Why didn't she trust me enough?


I woke up to the sound of the wave. I checked my phone on the bedside table and saw that it was only 11AM. I started my first day at work today, but that was at five in the afternoon. I got out of bed when a book fell to the floor, it was Great expectations by Charles Dickens, and I guess I fell asleep reading it.

I brushed my teeth and had a shower. Serena was still fast asleep so I went down, there was nothing I really wanted to eat so I grabbed a granola bar and went outside without knowing where to go. I walked to the end of the street then turned a corner and walked down the same street we had walked down last night; it looked a lot better in daylight. I was just walking down the paved hill when I saw an old second hand book shop, as I walked in the sound of a bell went off indicating that there was somebody in the shop. I loved the library there was bookshelf's upon bookshelves of old books on them, I loved reading it made me escape my life for a while and I liked that.

The library looked like something out of an old fairy-tale, it was completely brown and packed with books. I went to an isle and started to look to the books one by one, I picked one book up that looked quite good and continued down the aisle. I then continued walking to the aisle next to it, next to that aisle a grey haired nice looking women sat talking to a young girl with red streaks at the ends of her hair, she was very pretty. I continued looking at the books when I heard the women's sweet voice, "Need any help dear?" she asked while getting up and coming to me.

"Um...I'm looking for a book to read, I like old romances and books like this," I told her, holding up the book that was in my hand

"You have a wonderful taste in books," said the pretty girl, she then got up too and went to another aisle, I was discussing with the old women whose name I had now found out was Amelia, when the girl came back with three books. She started explaining them to me and telling me why she liked these ones in particular. I later found out her name was Elizabeth.

After having got the books I walked out the door; I loved that book shop it had great books and I promised myself that I would return there as often as possible on this whole trip.

I was just walking back when Leo came up to me out of nowhere. "Hey, I know this might sound funny, but I don't actually know your name," He stated.

I continued walking, but he walked up to me. “Hey, what’s wrong? I just asked for your name, I’m sorry was that rude?"

"Nope, but you broke my friends heart and that's not okay!" I said while walking even faster.

"Wait, what? I did not break her heart, she knew what I was like, she knew I was a player, she was all over me," He replied. "Look just tell me your name and I will leave you alone."

I turned to him. "Alison, my name is Alison and I promised Serena I wouldn't talk to you, so I got to go," I replied before walking away quickly. He didn't follow me, but for some odd reason, I wished that he had. He really was hot, with dirty, messy blonde hair and crystal clear blue eyes and those perfect lips...wait why am I thinking about him?

I quickly abolished the thought from my head, when I went inside I saw that Serena was not there, she was probably at the beach so I changed into my yellow bikini and grabbed my beach bag and went to the beach. After walking for a while I spotted Serena in her pink bikini sunbathing while reading a different copy of teen vogue and went to join her.


"Hey," She replied looking up slightly through her tinted sunglasses.

I wanted to go in the water, because it looked so beautiful. I don't want to go alone so I dragged Serena along with me. We were splashing and messing about in the water for what seemed like hours that we had even forgotten about our jobs. We went back to our little set up to check the time on our phones, but it was only 4 o'clock, after that we went inside and got changed to go to work. I wore a crop top which just covered my belly; it was grey with the American flag on it and a pair of denim shorts. Serena wore something similar.

As we went to work, I started to get a little nervous, what if I couldn't do it properly? We went inside and were handed our aprons, mine was orange and Serena's was blue. It was plain white at the top with an orange skirt attached to it at the end. It was very cute. It also had a small pocket attached to it.

Lara started explaining to us what we had to do. It was five o'clock so most of the afternoon rush had died down. A little girl with a man, that was most likely her Dad walked in, they were deciding what to get, after a few minutes the little girl wanted a chocolate cupcake and hot chocolate and the Dad wanted a pumpkin latte tea.

This order was quite easy I got the cupcake out of a box and placed it on a tea plate, but then I didn’t know what how to make the hot chocolate presentable; Lara came to help me out and she showed me that you pour the hot chocolate in and then add some cream from a machine and marshmallows and sprinkles. After that I made a pumpkin latte exactly how Lara showed me and that was that.

I gave them there order and apologized for taking so long as it was my first time.

After a few more customers came in, I started to get the hang of it, and it was actually fun to see everyone enjoying themselves. I also saw that Serena was doing well.

Then Leo walked in, he ordered a coffee to go, as I was preparing it for him, I noticed he was starting at my ass aside that fact that he seemed like a pervert, I also felt flattered.

"Please stop staring at my ass," I said as I gave him his drink.

"Sorry, couldn't help it," he replied smirking before walking away.

Okay I know this chapter wasn't very good, but next chapter Wesley and Connor show up!! :)

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