Ch.3 Golden Eyes

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-Your pov

"Y/n, what are you doing here?  We're closed for the wedding." Anna said before she noticed my tears. 

"Remember when I visited Hannah in the hospital? I asked her where Jen was." I said as I continued making a bouquet. 

"Where is she? Is she ok? Anna asked desperately hoping that it would be a positive response. 

"What- ever that thing was,   it de-voured her. She      She's dead. Just couldn't keep up with Hannah." I said almost crying. I finished the bouquet and walked out with Anna behind me. I locked the door before making my way to the graveyard. I found her stone and set down the flowers as tears continued to fall. Anna gently grabbed my hand while looking at the stone with me for a few minutes. She took a deep breath. 

"We better go get ready for the wedding this evening. There might be a lot of people there. Everyone loves the flowers and bouquets from that store" Anna said as we got in her car to the boutique. My boss must have hired professionals from hair and makeup to dress and shoes. My boss had her own set of helpers in the back. I was about to step up for the dress, but the dresser froze and shook her head. 

"Those panty lines will be easily noticed when you get the dress on." She said before motioning for someone else to step up. I felt Anna put something in my hand. Cash. 

"You need smooth thongs. Get several. Change into the nude color." She whispered before my eyes widened.

"You know I hate wearing those." I whispered back.

"Y/n, there's not really another option. It's just for today." Anna replied before I ran out the door to a store across the street. I bought what I needed and returned to the boutique. I changed and took my place in line. The curtains separated my space of the room giving me enough privacy. The dresser examined me for a moment after most of my clothes were removed. 

"You should be a model honey." She said as she carefully brought my dress over. She helped me put it on and lace the back. The heels were a little difficult to work with as I made my way to the hair dresser and makeup artist. My hair wasn't fancy. A twisted halo with curled hair. The makeup had a little more bling. Pink lip gloss, mascara, eyeliner, blush, and glittery lavender eyeshadow. 

"Does it look ok?" I asked before the dresser smiled. 

"Darling, you are perfect. Absolutely flawless." She replied as the other bridesmaids got in the car. I smiled at them before making my way to the car. Anne counted each one of us before gritting her teeth slightly. 

"There's five of us. Tom has four grooms. I have no idea how to do this." Anna said before one girl sat up.

"There's no flower girl. One of us can be the flower girl." She said. The others agreed and suddenly looked at me. Four against one. I'm the flower girl. I rolled my eyes as we stepped out and got in position. The chairs were getting full of people. I was thankful that the sun was out and no wind. The meadow was the perfect choice. The wedding was going perfect so far. They were saying their vows to each other while I looked at the group of people. I recognized all of them.          Except one. I managed to turn my focus back to the wedding. Just in time to see them kiss. I knew that Tom will be good to her. We made it down the aisle and further into the meadow nearby the trees. Just for wedding pictures. When we were done. I decided to stay a while longer. Enjoy the solitude before joining the crowded party. There were still a few people eating. Everyone else was dancing. Most of the children were running through the grass. It then occurred to me that I missed the whole thing. The toasts. The first slice of cake. I/m not much of a dancer but it missed the first dances. It was kind of depressing. Missing out on someone's special day. Part of me wanted to leave, but that's worse. Especially when I haven't given my congratulations to them, or even try to enjoy myself. The DJ was playing more popular songs. The type that you don't do a fox trot on. I took a deep breath and congratulated the newlyweds before getting a slice of cake. Most of the tables were full so I sat in the corner and listened to conversations.

"I want to congratulate you two and wish you the best as you enter the first chapter of your life together." A voice said. I looked up to see that stranger again. The red hair was what I noticed first. I decided to get a glass of water to wash down the cake. It was a little too sweet for me. I stayed close to the wall as to not bump into anyone, or get noticed. I held onto my water and stayed in a corner listening to Stranger's conversation.

"I had no idea that you were a regular customer to my shop. I've never seen you before. Did you just arrive?" My boss asked before the man smiled.

"My assistant is the one that picks up the bouquets for me. Each one made to perfection. I must say, Y/n is very talented. Not once have I been disappointed by her work. My wish is to tell her that myself." He replied. I was panicking in my mind. If I stay where I am they'll find me. I'm practically standing next to them. If I sneak out, I can get down the hill again and stay there until everyone leaves. Make an excuse while I wait. Just in case they find me down there.

"Oh! Well Y/n should be around here somewhere. She was one of my bridesmaids. Can't have gone too far. She is a little shy though." My boss said brightly. I felt my hands shaking as I slowly walked towards the door. Doing my best to blend in. I set my hand on the doorknob only to feel someone grab my other hand. I quickly looked to see who it was.       Anna.

"We've been looking for you, Y/n. Someone wants to meet you. Says he's very fond of your work." Anna chirped as she lead me away from the door to the newlyweds table.    Where he was standing. My boss and Tom smiled at my presence.

"There you are. Was wondering where you went. Y/n, this is Jason. He admires your work greatly." My boss stated. I looked up at Jason. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you Jason. It means a lot to hear that you appreciate my arrangements." I replied while doing my best not to stutter, blush, or faint. Jason simply smiled.

"The pleasure is mine." He said before the DJ started playing slower music while looking at Tom.

"Y/n, why don't you go have a dance with Jason. If that's ok with you Jason." My boss sugested. 

"Be glad to." He said as he held an arm out. I gently held onto it as we walked onto the dancefloor. I looked over at my boss and the bridesmaids. They planed this. The thought left my mind when Jason grabbed on of my hands with his and rested his other hand on my back. I carefully set my free hand on his shoulder. It was slow at first. I struggled to find a way to start a conversation. I looked around nervously realizing that Jason and I were really the only people on the floor. The guests were eating while the wedding court watched.

"It's ok to be nervous, Y/n" Jason said with a comforting smile. I looked up at him and studied his face. His eyes were what trapped me. I couldn't stop looking at them. A gentle gold color. I've never seen anything like it before. It was comforting.     But         they also looked        familiar. 

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