Chapter 34

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Author's Note: If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills as a writer.

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Chapter 34

Six years later

Charlene was trying to block the noise while washing the dishes. However, the racket from the other room was too much. She sighed and dried her hands while she saw her six-year-old daughter wobble in. Her chocolate brown, unruly, wavy hair bouncing with every step she took and her hazel eyes displayed disappointment.

"Emma, what's wrong?"

"Christopher hid my dolls again!"

Charlene groaned and followed Emma into the living room.

"Christopher, where did you hide Emma's dolls?"

"I didn't hide them! She always forgets where she puts them and then blames me. It's not fair!"

Christopher glared at his sister with his piercing brown eyes. Charlene could not help but smile a bit; that glare was identical to his father's. They always fought like a cat and a dog that nobody would assume that they were actually twins.

'Don't they say that twins are really close to each other?' She thought desperately.

"Ok that's enough," she said firmly. "Christopher I know you hid them. Give Emma her dolls back this instant! I will make sure your father will hear about this when he gets home."

Christopher's eyes opened wide and grimaced.

"Fine, I'll give them to her but please don't tell daddy."

"You should have thought of that before."

He walked sulkily, reached behind the sofa and handed the dolls to his sister.

"Thank you, mummy," she murmured.

The doorbell rang and Charlene frowned. It was too early for Simon to already be at home. She opened the door and gasped. Her heart started beating hard against her ribs as she gaped at the man donning Marine Corps uniform.

"Charlene Riley?" he inquired.

"Please tell me my sister is ok," she pleaded.

"Tamara is fine don't worry. I'm here regarding another matter."

Her heart slowed down and she became suspicious.

"Then why is a Colonel from the Corps on my doorstep?"

"My name is Colonel Turner and I have a proposition for you."

She kept staring at him, not trusting the individual at all.

"May I come in?"

She showed him inside the living room.

"I apologize for the mess," she said, trying to collect some of the toys and putting them aside.

They sat down opposite each other and the colonel placed his cover on the coffee table revealing a military buzz cut. They kept staring at each other until he finally decided to talk.

"The armed forces of the United States decided to launch Operation Minerva."

"Operation Minerva?"

"A fancy name about reinstating the special operations task force."

Charlene gulped hard and gripped the sofa tighter.

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