Chapter 13

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Author's Note: If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills as a writer.

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Chapter 13

Price was smoking his cigar leaning against Nikolai's Pave Low. He gazed at the stars above him, sparkling against the dark background. The Alps filled his lungs with fresh and crisp air. He glanced to his right and saw Nikolai and Yuri chatting, looking anxious. The area would have been pitch black if it wasn't for Nikolai's portable gaslight.


Price swung around swiftly searching for the source of where the voice came from.

"Soap?" he muttered.

After searching all around the Pave Low he decided that he was going nuts. He had imagined the voice; probably the result of fixating over possible locations of where Soap may be. The problem was that they had no idea. Nikolai and Price went over past missions to determine if the places where they had been may have affected the enemy's intention for the attack.

"Nikolai, forget it," he had said. "These were not Ultranationalists."

A grin spread over Price's face when he remembered Soap's first appearance at Hereford. He looked so young and raw. They all start that way then they harden over time. The FNGs were no longer rookies and the next thing you know they were the Field Commander of a Task Force. Price sat down on the ramp, his mind started wandering on his past missions and experiences with Soap...

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It was approximately half past one in the morning and the rain was coming down hard over the Bering Strait resulting in the helicopter to vibrate profusely. Price smoked his cigar while observing the fresh meat. Soap was fidgeting with his MP5SD to be sure that it was in a perfect condition. Price sniggered, threw his cigar outside and put on the gas mask. The SAS were readying themselves to get on board the freighter.

"Lock and load," said Price.

"Greenlight! Go go go!" said Hammer Two-Four.

The squad fast-rope down from the Black Hawk onto the deck and prepared to move up.

"Weapons free," ordered Price and the team took out the hostiles inside the bridge.

They made their way inside through the bridge door and Price ordered Gaz to stay with the helicopter until the deck was secured. They cleared inside swiftly and eliminated any hostiles along the way. He glanced back to see if Soap was still with them. He had a feeling that he wouldn't need to worry about him.

The SAS went on the deck again and the rain was still pouring reducing their visibility and drenching their gear. Soap reloaded his MP5 and could hear his raspy breath echo in his gas mask.

Gaz, Wallcroft, and Griffen joined them on the deck and Price called them to attention due to hostiles present on the bridge 12 o'clock high. He informed Hammer Two-Four about the hostiles and the latter sprayed the bridge with bullets eliminating the targets.

After the deck was clear they moved inside the cargo bay filled with crates and freighters. Price was on point and Gaz stood close to him. Soap stayed back; his senses were sharp and fidgeted at every tiny noise he heard.

They continued to move up until Soap felt something whoosh past his ear. A hostile was pointing his Desert Eagle at him. Price grabbed his tactical knife and slotted him swiftly.

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