"I will do so, my lord," she says with a twist and an exit. I realize that that means she has to go back out right now with more soldiers to kill them.

"No no don't make her go-" I say.

King Thranduil shoots me a glare that makes me want to curl into a ball and vomit. It scares me with his disapproval and anger; a warning in his eyes.

I stare at the ground, my finger almost trembling. "I'm sorry sir," I plead. "If I had just kept my mouth shut this wouldn't have happened."

"I did not expect such a command to my soldiers to come from you, Vilora. Nor did I expect her to listen. This blame is not yours. She is the captain and therefore must take responsibility."

"Understood," I nod. I gulp and look up, ready to defend my friend even if it gets me killed. "She was really trying to just protect her people you needn't be so hard on her."

"Victory is nothing achieved if not by discipline."

"But she wants the same thing you want," I say a little bolder. "She told me that she always feels like she lets you down and it's true."

"I treat her as such because I have to-"

"You do not!" I face him, almost standing on my toes to try and look intimidating. "When her father died all you did was bring her up, expecting her to be as good as he was and throwing a blade in her hand. Calling her general! She was a child! She expected you to care for her! But you didn't!"

"I called upon her because I saw a greatness in her and life! I saw potential in her! Like her father before her I knew she would carry on better than he!"

"That doesn't explain why you have treated her like dirt!"

"Maybe because that is what I have to do protect the ones I love!"

"You're emotionless! Maybe that's why Ryohnin left!" I spat without thinking, anger heating my thoughts and my words.

He gets in my face with fury. "Do not think that you know more about my family than I do! I have watched as the world swallowed my loved ones! I have watched as a beast tore open the flesh of my own brother! I have seen my father's torched body from the breath of a fire heaving dragon! I have witnessed my own wife die in battle! I have said goodbye to my son and watch him disappear into your realm never to return! My Legolas and I are the only ones left and now he too is gone!" he backs away when he realizes how much he has said, turning around and placing his hands on a wooden desk with anger still in his face. Silence takes us for a few seconds. "...The shadow creeps on the borders of my people and my home... I cannot see the light... The world fades into darkness... I remember the look in her eyes when I thought I had saved her... held her in my arms... and watched as life left her body... That night when I had to tell Legolas... he was only six... He looked into my eyes and asked me where his mother was," I hear his voice get quiet and shaky, tears lacing his words. "I saw the love leave my little leaf's eyes and only sorrow... pain... and anger..."

I can't find any words to say. My heart shatters from all I just heard. All of this is true? I can't... believe this... how could I be so selfish?

He speaks even quieter now. "...I have tried all I can to remember her... but nothing... her face... I want to see her face... but my memories are hidden from me as if fire has scorched them all..." he shuts his eyes, his head hanging with depression. "I can't even tell Legolas what she was like... ..."

I stand there with a heart torn in two... how did he ever deserve such a painful life? His torture... his sorrow... his broken past has made him hard and miserable... No wonder they never saw him smile. I can't imagine going through this... What have I done?

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