Cheater Bakugo x reader (part 3)

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The next day (y/n) didn't come to Bakugo's home to pick him up and he didn't expect her to after last night. But then, even at school he didn't see her presence either.

"Deku, is (y/n) not coming to school?" he asked Deku who just came with Uraraka.

"she said she's sick, I'm not sure why, she didn't say" he replied.


Bakugo could spot that was a lie, because even though she got sick, she would still force herself to come to school. He planned to visit her after school.

School finished and Midoriya invited Bakugo to come visit (y/n) with Uraraka coming too.

"Don't you dare come to her house!" Bakugo gave them an order

"huh... why!?" the couple raised their tone

"just don't!"

"but why!?" Uraraka insisted to know the reasons and Bakugo just rolled his eyes.

"you guys stop fighting" Todoroki came and spoke in a relaxed tone.

"you two don't come to her home" Todoroki continued saying to the couple.

"what!? you too" Midoriya getting really confused.

Todoroki suddenly held the two back behind his back with his arms.

"huh?" Midoriya and Uraraka really had no idea what was happening.

"BAKUGO RUN!!" Todoroki shouted.

Bakugo was as confused as the couple, however he just went with the flow and ran to her house.




Your PoV

"(y/n)!!!" my mom called me from downstairs.

"yeah?!!" I shouted back from my bedroom.

"come help me buy groceries!!"

"noo!! I'm not feeling well, I'll help you next time" I lied

I told her I got sick because of the rain last night and that was how she let me skip school. Honestly, I think she knew I was lying, she just let me off this time. I didn't come to school, not because of laziness, I just didn't want to see Bakugo's face after last night, I would not know how to react if I saw him.

"ok whatever, I'm going" my mom said.

When (y/n)'s mom opened the door to leave the house, she was really surprised to see her daughter's friend, Bakugo in front of the door about to ring the house's bell, panting hard with little sweats on his face which seemed like he just came running really hard.

"hi! Sorry to bother you, but is (y/n) here?" he asked directly, didn't want to waste time.

"wait, do you need some water first?"

"no, I'm fine" he sounded like he really wanted to meet (y/n) fast.

"okay, she's here but... I don't think she wants to see anyone"

"I just need to talk to her for a moment, please" he asked politely.

"are you guys fighting?"

"no no no, I don't think it was a fight, anyway, can I come in?" he actually begged for it.

"hmm... ok you can come in, I'm gonna go out for awhile so take care of her and don't do anything weird ok" she finally let him in.

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