Chapter 27

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Once the initial shock wore off, Wendy began to inspect her surroundings. It seemed as if the floor above completely caved in, forcefully throwing them onto the first floor. Thankfully amidst all the rubble and debris they could've knocked their heads onto they landed on a fairly safe spot.

Soft enough to cushion their fall. Even Mark who'd been a walking mess of broken bones seemed fairly unharmed, he was up and checking on her in no time.

"Well we're going to have to move," he told her, although he had trouble forcing his bad leg to move, and even to her it was painful to witness.

"Do you think someone would help us?" Wendy found herself asking, wary of the rubble and of suddenly slipping with how concrete dust coated the floors and the fact that there was barely anything left of her shoes.

"Possible but I wouldn't encourage you to hold on to it, our best chance would be to get out of the building and drive away to safety." Mark said, and she believed him.

The walk would take long, Wendy figured sometime after the lighting became more frequent, the hallway took forever and there was the issue of finding where the exit lies. Suddenly she was reminded of Jiho, the younger remained on the same floor before she was whisked into the elevator, was it possible she had already escaped? Wendy wished to think so.

Still, like so many other happenings recently, Wendy hoped there could've been some clue. Something to tell her that Jiho's actions were indeed for her best, both way before this fiasco happened and at that moment she pushed her to the lift. It was hard enough to make her mind adjust to this reality, even harder to try to single out every thing Jiho had ever done for her into good or bad.

"I owe you some truths, don't I? And something I should've confessed a long time ago," Mark said after a while, and with how much she was preoccupied Wendy took long to form an answer, though she didn't miss the way his expression turned morose. As if to lay whatever truth she wished to know would count to his final words.

"Well, yes..." out of the whole bunch of things she didn't understand, Wendy found nothing to ask of. Afraid that the truth would somehow take him away from her once and for all.

"Jackson... How long has he been in the Mafia?" Wendy tentatively asked.

"This time, maybe just around the time we first met in Seoul again,"

"Then he'd been with the Mafia before?"

"Of course," there was a pause as Mark pulled her behind a column, sounds of footsteps rang around them but faded just as quick, a maddening moment to add to her growing list. "Pup's been tagging along since high school."

Wendy gave it a thought, only to arrive at the conclusion that yes it made sense that Jackson had been hanging around dangerous people since then. It would explain the absences in their usual meetings, the missed coffee dates and the nights he'd rather not call even if Seulgi made him promise that afternoon. Even the apprehensive glare Jackson shot at people who came too near should've told her the things she now knew.

"Would that be all? I imagined there'd be a lot you'll want to know," Mark said softly, though she could hear him goading.

"H-How... long have you been married to Irene?" Wendy found herself blurting the question before she could stop herself, it was a stupid stupid question to ask and yet it burned her with curiosity.

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