Chapter 19

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Mark didn't like the thoughts currently plaguing his mind, nor how utterly helpless he was to keep Seungwan out of Jongdae's way. He had vowed to correct his mistakes when he accepted defeat from the man all those years ago, to retreat with his aunt all while Seungwan suffered the untimely deaths of her parents, starting from them meeting and involvement with him ultimately exposing her to the dangers of his world.

Yet, tragically all he was able to do was delay the inevitable. And fuck it, he couldn't even guarantee things would go well.

"Any chance I can offer assistance now, boss?" someone asked from the earpiece he had haphazardly plugged into his ears, voice almost unfamiliar to him with how long he hasn't heard it, holding none of Jaebum's quiet sharpness nor Jinyoung's playful cheekiness.

Instead he heard the too controlled lethality of Mino's voice layered in the smooth, silken tones he loves using as realization finally dawned on him. Mentally Mark allowed himself a slap, what else did he expect anyway? The other two would most likely be too preoccupied vying for his head to hold proper conversations.

"It's not as if I can stop you anyway," Mark gave an exasperated sigh which only made Mino chuckle, dark amusement clear, most likely finding delight in his demise.

One of the reasons he avoided direct contact with the said man was because of his unpredictability, Song Mino despite all his years working for the Mafia is still a double-edged sword ready to strike him down if he sees it fit. Yet operating fitfully alone due to the volatility of his nature, he was producing the best results when it comes to commanding the bulk of their forces, too excellent of a work for Mark to stupidly deny how much he actually owed the man and how he would be royally screwed should his loyalty sways.

"Of course, and we both know I'm your only chance to survive this stupid stunt of yours." Mino laughed and despite the grating truth of it, Mark has so little fight to disagree. Doesn't matter which side you look onto, he brought this upon himself, "Which is why I'm telling you there's about five of those white vehicles Jaebum's fixated on, also according to my watchers each filled approximately fifteen skilled fighters. I'd really say tough luck, you know."

Against himself Mark found his grip tightening on the steering wheel in frustration, fucking circumstances really does love his misery, huh?

Well at least he can still find solace in the fact that Mino was the one to be on the other line, anyone else would've guilt-tripped him into returning to the base and allowing another to take over, which Mark couldn't technically do no matter the consequence and especially not when Seungwan's out there and far too open for Jongdae's reach, at least even with the snide jabs this man would actually be beneficial to him.

"I'm confident to deal with at least half of them at most, past that I'm dead meat. So you'll need to send me someone, and preferably neither of the two," Mark said truthfully, earning him a small chuckle from the other man as he weaved through the afternoon traffic back to Gangnam.

No point lying anyway and it's not as if he and Mino hadn't been at this point. Heck, the first time they met was on another of Mark's stupid days, when he challenged the other to a death match in the underground arena all because he felt dumb and desperate to prove he wasn't as worthless as his subordinates made him feel.

He was young, too young to succeed the Crown, but he was never useless. Still, at that time he was both young and stupid, and somehow the idea of challenging the reigning strongest there appealed to his burning desire to prove himself, as if it could magically solve his problems.

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