Chapter 15

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It wasn't until half past twelve the following afternoon did Wendy decided to pull herself downstairs.

Something she did for two inevitable reasons, one was that she was hungry, with her barely eating anything from the wedding reception last night her stomach had been complaining at her ever since she woke up, and second was her worry over Naeun's whereabouts winning over her embarrassment of whatever had happened last night.

Although she wouldn't feign innocence, it didn't ease her mind to think of how she practically jumped at Mark the moment he allowed her to, drunk or not she had more finesse than that. And for her to claim she had her fair share of experience with those things back in college...

Laughter was the first thing that greeted Wendy when she stepped foot downstairs, lively and full of mirth she couldn't help but be curious, none of her memories last night left any indication that there were an abundance of people in this villa, so who could these be?

"No more tickles please," came a little girl's voice, soft and shrill before Wendy saw them. Sprawled on the living room was Mark and a little girl Wendy had an inkling she had seen before, familiar soft brown eyes quickly noticing her, head tilting a little making the few strands of her hair fall sideways. Adorable.

"Who's she?" the little girl whispered in Mark's ears, albeit the question being easily heard even from Wendy's distance, he turned to look at her however, unguarded expression taking her by surprise.

"That's Wendy, little princess," Mark told the girl affectionately.

"Like Peter Pan?" the girl asked Wendy, rolling her r too fast she almost couldn't make out the actual name, enthusiasm brimming in her big brown eyes.

"Yes, like Peter Pan. Do you like him?" Wendy asked.

"Mm, Arin loves Peter Pan," the little girl said much to Wendy's surprise, what is Mark's daughter doing here? And does this mean Irene's also here? What's going on? But before she could ask any of her questions, Mark shook his head in warning, indicating she shouldn't do so.

"Can Wendy play with Arin who likes Peter Pan, then?" Wendy asked the little girl, who lit up with glee, climbing off Mark's lap and running towards her, little arms outstretched and begging to be picked up.


For such a small girl, Arin had a lot of energy to burn, running along the living room while giggling in all her adorable mirth, exhausting not only her but Mark as well whom she appointed as her 'fairy dust' which basically meant he is to carry her as Wendy ran.

It was an endearing scene actually, to see Arin positively beaming and Mark looking as carefree, Wendy could almost make herself believe they could've been her family, and they might've been too if things didn't happen the way they did.

After about an hour and a half Arin began to feel sleepy, yawning and adorably rubbing at her eyes that Mark set to carry her to her room, but much to both of their surprise she refused to be carried by him, holding out her arms in front of Wendy then asked for some milk to drink, of course falling asleep even before Wendy could whip out a glass to pour the milk in.

"Hey," she heard Mark whisper softly in her ear, his arms coming up around her, pressing her frame against his chest.

Maybe it should come of a surprise to Wendy to feel Mark's arms embracing like this, considering she didn't even notice his presence in the kitchen, but her insides were rejoicing alright. Her stomach was a flurry of butterflies while her heart pounded like a mini drum, her whole body once more thriving at the safety his warmth gave her.

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