Chapter 5

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As soon as the dance had ended Wendy paved her way towards the seats, mind reeling with what had happened earlier. A part of her thoughts wanted to report about the annoying pervert who disgraced her make sure he rots in the prison for being such a disgusting, menacing pig and the most part being intrigued about the last man she danced with, once more with voice and demeanor feeling uncannily familiar and in ways the more she pondered over it the more she found him endearing and ... well, intimate.

I must've been going crazy she shook her head to dispel the thoughts bothering her.

She found Naeun talking animatedly with a random guy, but he was handsome she could even see from this distance. He had sharp jaws and quite small eyes and a tiny dimple on his cheek which kind of softened his features, somehow she wished there would be someone she could talk too but she couldn't find Junmyeon anywhere and no one there looked hospitable enough to accommodate someone like her.

"Perhaps we are very curious as to who are who for tonight us hosts are wondering to ourselves who the lovely people were behind all these glamorous masks. We shall now introduce the guests, if you would please remove your masks as we address you." The emcees had said and she sighed, just how much longer would they have to drag this thing on?

She was tired and a good night sleep would be something she would need to function well tomorrow morning but with all these stuffs they've come up with it might seem like an impossible dream to fulfill.

"May we start with the CEO of Asian Soul Corporation, the largest music provider in all of South Korea, Lady Suzy Bae." a woman about Wendy's age stood up, her dress was of wine red color highlighting her pale skin and glamorous body as she earned a few catcalls from the audience to which both she and the woman frowned at. What kind of men are in this gathering?

"Next would be the Vice President of the Exoluxion, developer of Korea's record breaking high speed internet, Mister Jongin Kim." this time a man stood up he was wearing a simple white turtleneck shirt and a navy blue coat, he had such boyish features but his thick rimmed glasses added a geeky aura to his appeal.

There were many more names called but Wendy willed herself to tune them out, what good is it to know their names anyway? Its not like she's suddenly going to start and be buddies with them.

"Let us welcome Pink Fashion Company's fairy goddess, Lady Naeun Son." at the mention of her cousin's name she felt herself stiffen, Naeun is really popular among this crowd and she somehow felt envious, her cousin has everything. A successful company, a pretty face, talent to actually design great works and-

"Next would be our most phenomenal entrepreneur of the year, joining in with Pink Fashion Company to create Pink & Velvet Co. she surely did a good job spear heading this success. Let us welcome the Red Queen, Wendy Son." the words of the emcee jolted her out of her moping thoughts thankfully Naeun instructed her on how to do this part with flair, first she removed her mask with smooth fluid gesture then she unclasped the large gold button on her hood, and let it slide over her shoulders revealing her gleaming red hair to which like a blanket silence fell over everyone and they gazed at her with such awestruck faces.

"Ah such a beautiful and successful young woman." the female emcee gathered her wits first along with a few of the audience along with her partner.

"Certainly, Miss Park." he said nodding along then glanced at his queue card.

"Next would be the most talked about man in town, earning his first hundred billion on his 25th birthday and who knows, maybe the world on his next! Surely our next guest is one heck of a successful man." the female emcee had started, attracting the audience's ears once more with her cryptic and lavish words and somehow she too had become curious, who is he that had done something even the High Society revered?

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