Chapter 17

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'I'm dreaming,'

Was the first thought in Wendy's mind, finding herself floating along the familiar path hewn along bright green fields, plastic white chairs gathered in front of two coffins just below an old oak tree, grief palpable in the air. It seems she's revisiting the memory of her parents death, nearing five years ago, the day she decided to embark on this madness called revenge.

Somewhere to the far front she saw her sister Seunghee sitting where she did that fateful day, cradled in the arms of their grandmother as she quietly sobbed, while her past self stood by the farthest corner, alone and miserable, a stranger even in her own family's mourning.

Try as she may she couldn't help but feel bitter at how the cold her grandparents had been to her, it shouldn't make her feel bad, really, as her sister suffered from losing her parents too, but with them blatantly ignoring her the moment they arrived and going as far as to forbid her from openly interacting with them, lest people ask questions, was still a hard blow she hadn't recovered from to this day.

Apparently what the people would think of someone like her, someone who merely tried to defend herself from immediate harm, mattered more than her own grief and need to be comforted by her family. She had just lost Mark and their baby, then her parents and now the only people she shared any familial connections with.

It was painful, much too painful, and the emotional scars she received then were still fresh in her heart.

Suddenly the scene changed bringing her inside the Daegu mansion, the very place where it all started, her grandparents were seated on either side of Seunghee in the living room, waiting for the youngest of the Shons to arrive downstairs.

It was a day before their parents' funeral, and another one where Seungwan had to force herself out of bed, crippling hollowness threatening to keep her in bed but for the sake of her remaining family members she hauled herself off the bed once more, and tried to make herself presentable. Unaware that once she steps downstairs the already tattered world she's living in would crumble entirely.

"Took you long enough," her grandmother spoke once she stepped foot in the living room, her tone crisp and unforgiving but Seungwan being who she is gave an apologetic bow and settled into the seat opposite the three.

"Is there anything wrong, grandmama?" Seungwan asked confused at how her sister stared at her with fury in her eyes, but over what she had no idea.

"Let me be straight with you, tomorrow after the funeral service we'll be heading back to Canada," her grandmother said, thoroughly confusing her, what about the company matters that needs to be settled?

"But what about-

"And Seunghee's coming with us," her grandmother said with an exasperated sigh, as if finding the conversation not worth any more of her time.

"What about me?" Seungwan asked, feeling panic settle in as her grandmother shook her head, turning to leave with her grandfather. What does that mean? Isn't she coming as well? Are they leaving her? What's happening?

"Oh for fuck's sake, use that goddamned brain for once in your life. Haven't you done enough damage to this family for us to even consider you one?" her sister said impatiently, almost vehemently once their grandparents were out of earshot.

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