"When you love something dearly, and that's all you have, you'll do everything in your power to protect it."

Xepher heard a clang then and looked down, seeing he dropped his scalpel.

"Xepher, is everything alright?" The teacher asked. He nodded his head but said nothing. The rest of the class dragged and when the bell rang, he found his eyes wandering the crowd, looking for his girl. She was nowhere in sight, and by the time he seated himself at the cafeteria table, he was beyond frustrated. It seemed everyone reflected that same emotion too. What happened then, didn't help in the slightest.

Xepher felt a hand on his shoulder then. Thinking it was Aria, he excitedly turned, only to be disappointed at the sight in front of him. Cassidy. The blond bimbo with a gold digger attitude. She was the girl one step below Karen on the totem pole and she'd tried to separate them a few times during their relationship. Xepher was not in the mood to deal with her status seeking idiocrasy.

"Hi there, Xepher."

"Hey Cassidy." He muttered, turning back to his untouched plate. He really didn't want to play nice right now. Especially to someone that wore so much make-up and had the brains of a squirrel. Instead of taking the hint, she propped her bottom up on the table only inches from him and crossed her legs, making sure to show off her high heel fur boots as she propped her chest up to look bigger. Xepher held in the urge to roll his eyes.

"So, I heard about what happen with Karen." She said, her finger touching his shoulder, the artificial nail scratching through the sweater he wore. He wanted to curl his lip in disgust, but simply settled for leaning away from her. That didn't seem to slow her down though.

"I wanted to invite you to my party this Friday, you know to cheer you up. But, if you wanted to come over earlier, for some one-on-one time, here's my number." She put a piece of paper on the table next to his untouched plate. Raven scoffed, while Kenzy spoke. "Damn girl, aren't you a little too bold? He's taken." Cassidy's eyes widened slightly but narrowed as she looked to Kenzy.

"By whom exactly? You, the crazy, loud, and annoying airhead. Doubt it. Or how about the goth girl? Again doubted." Xepher raised his eyebrow at her. If she was trying to get in his pants, insulting his friends would've never worked. He kept his mouth shut though. He knew the girls could handle themselves. As if on cue Raven scoffed.

"He's taken by our friend Aria." She said point blank. He wasn't arguing that point.

"You mean Silent? You know rumors are saying your lesbian lovers Freak Girl, like I'd believe she could even get someone like Xepher." Raven slammed her hands on the table and stood, Jax failing to calm her down.

"First of all, she absolutely has taken him, second, even if she didn't, Xepher would never want to be with someone as dumb, useless, and slutty as you." Raven finished, glaring at Cassidy.

Cassidy scoffed, letting the words roll off of her, but Xepher could tell by the shaking in her hands that she was enraged.

"That's priceless coming from someone who can't even dress normal because of her daddy issues." Everyone at the table froze then. How did she even know? They didn't have any time to dwell on that though, as Cassidy screeched loudly, drawing their attention to her. What they saw baffled them. Cassidy was now suddenly covered in chocolate milk.

She turned, the cafeteria silent, to find Aria standing behind her. Xepher took the sight of her in, like a starving man and this was the first meal he'd had in day. She stood in her usual get up, black combat boots, ripped blue jeans, and a white long sleeve. Her long hair was up in a ponytail. Cassidy shrieked unattractively and turned on Aria.

"Y-you little brat!" She lifted her hand to smack Aria, but she moved quickly, catching her wrist, turning and pulling Cassidy's own hand behind her back. She didn't stop their though, as she kicked the back of her knees, making her legs give out and Cassidy fell to her knees on the cafeteria floor, the whole room silent. Aria, still holding Cassidy's arm painfully behind her back, leaned down, her mouth near Cassidy's ear. Xepher noticed then, the shining blue and silver necklace he'd loved and hoped to give someone someday, dangling off her neck.

"Never insult the people I love again." Aria whispered, her voice raspy, cracking at every word, as she stepped back and threw the empty milk carton at Cassidy's head. It created a satisfying sound as the cafeteria laughed, hollered, or clapped and Cassidy ran away. Xepher almost felt bad for the poor girl. Everyone stood up then.

"Aria, you spoke!" Raven cried as she reached out to hug her. Aria stepped back, tears in her eyes as she saw the pain in Raven's. She walked past Raven and up to Xepher, setting down a piece of paper on the table next to him before walking away and out of the cafeteria. Xepher wanted to chase him, but the note caught his attention. He turned to find Raven already opening it.

"He knows you're important to me. That you all are. I don't trust that he won't find out if I ignore his orders. I'm not allowed to talk or be around you. Don't worry, I'll protect you. I swear it, but if I miss one day of school, call the police. I'm through letting him have his way, but that will just mean more blood. Be patient, please. I love you all." Raven finished reading the note and looked between each of them.

"This is going to get much worse before it gets better. Isn't it?" Kenzy asked. Xepher nodded then, fury raging through his blood, only dulled by the ache in his chest that his Aria was going through this alone.

"I'm afraid it is."

Her Savior (Book Two Of The Brave Series)Where stories live. Discover now