Meeting The Unknown

Start from the beginning

  "Bye guys!' I waved.

  I walked out the door and headed to my car. I listened to Lips Are Moving by Meghan Trainor and danced to every stop light. I went to apply to jobs and hoped I will get a phone call.

Slender Man's point of view:

  I decided to play with the kids and I got picked to hide with Bella. I hid on top of the trees since I knew that Bella loved to be on high places. I can tell Bella admired the view of the forest because her jaw was wide open. I smirked and never thought I would babysit a child. Bella is very calm and seemed to understand the rules of the game because she won't make a slight noise.

  "Where is Slender Man?" Jeff panted as he ran around the woods.

  "Wherever he is, he is good at hiding. I am surprised Bella never made a small peep." Sally chuckled.

  "We win." I jumped off the tree carefully with a spooked Bella.

  "What!" Ben looked up from the tall slender tree.

  "No fair!" Eyeless Jack whined.

  "Yeah! No fair!" Laughing Jack mumbled.

  "Boo hoo. Let's go eat." I laughed at everyone.

  Bella was playing with all the boys while I was preparing food for six including myself. Ben sat Bella in her high chair as I layed out lasagna in the middle of the table for everyone to pitch in.

  "What is Bella going to eat?" Laughing Jack asked.

  "She will be eating chicken noodle soup with small fruits and vegetables." I was the last person to prepare food for himself.

  Bella knew how to eat by herself which was a good thing. I can tell Lilac and Logan are very good parents. After we ate dinner, Bella still couldn't fall asleep.

  "Ben, I can't believe I am giving you permission to do this, but take Bella to play video games. She will most likely fall asleep by too much lighting." I gave Bella to Ben.

  "I'll come with!" The rest of the boys followed Ben to play Call of Duty Black Ops.

  I cleaned around the house and washed all the dished including Bellas.

  "AHHH!!!!!" I heared a number of screams.

  I ran to Ben's room and the first thing that came to my mind was Bella getting hurt. I opened the door and saw all the boys up against a wall and Eyeless Jack holding Bella with caution. As I searched the room, with my peripheral vison, I saw a creature with sharp looking teeth and it's skin looked pale black. I backed up a bit and then stood my ground.

  "Mmmm. More lunch. This one is bigger." The creature crawled towards me and my tentacles slithered out from my back.

  I knew exactly what it was now when it crawled out from the dark. It looked similar to the rake except it was black with dark smoke coming out from its back. The creature leaped onto me and I grabbed it with three tentacles. I calmly straightened my back and grew closer to the unknown thing.

  "I am giving you the oppourtunity to tell me exactly what you are and the oppourtunity to tell me where you came from. Speak." I commanded.

  "I am the unknown coming from the unknown dimension. They are coming for you! All of you! Especially that precious baby." The unknown creature smirked with a dark giggle.

  I ripped the thing into thirds and disposed it into a fire i recentley made before torturing it.

  "Slender, how are we going to protect Bella? Logan and Lilac still don't know how to fight well." Ben frowned.

  "We will start training tomorrow. Sally will train Lilac because she is our top fighters. She knows how to fight a bit better than the rest of you. She is more flexible and Lilac needs to start flexing. The rest of you will train Logan. Especially you Jeff since he is your son in law. Understood?" I cleared his throat.

  "Understood." Everyone said together.

  "Good. I will put Bella to bed." I walked away from the scene with Bella.

  "Night Ben, Sally, E.J, L.J, and grandpa." Bella finally spoke.

  "Awwww!" Everyone smiled.

  "Hush little baby. Don't be afraid. I will always protect you when you fear. No one will hurt you as long I am here." I sang.

  The home phone rang next to me and I answered quietley.

  "Hello, Slender residence." I spoke softly.

  "Hey Slender. I won't make it before 10 unfortunatley." Lilac sounded disappointed.

  "It is alright child. Pick up Bella noon time tomorrow. She is peacefully sleeping in my arms no worry." I soothed Lilac through the phone.

  "Thanks Uncle Slen. See you tomorrow." Lilac hung up.

  As I set the phone down, everyone including Sally walked in the room.

  "We are sleeping here tonight with you." Laughing Jack smiled and walked in tippy toeing.

  "Oh alright. Make yourself comfortable." Slender rocked in his chair back and forth.

  Ben played video games with the rest of the guys with the TV volume low and Sally was reading a book with Slender. An hour later, everyone fell deep asleep. Ben slept next to Jeff, Laughing Jack slept next to Eyeless Jack, and Sally slept next to Slender with her head on his shoulder and her book almost falling off of her back. Slender layed his head on Sallys and carefully placed Bella closer to his chest as he promised to protect her forever.

Shout out to @skylarthekiller1432 she has a story she has recentley created SO GO CHECK IT OUT MY KILLERS. I can tell she will be writing something interesting :) DON'T DISSAPOINT ME SKYLAR XD. Joking. Blackout anyone? There is blackout where I live right now XD

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