Transitions? Part 10

Start from the beginning

"Yeah I called her before I got out of bed. She told me to behave myself and be nice," Angie laughed. "I can't believe she told me to be nice, I am sure she wouldn't be if she were here." She said with an acrimonious tone.

"Angie, that's not a fair assessment of your mother. You know Bette would not disrespect Carrie or your mother. I know Bette would be very upset to hear that you were inconsiderate to either your mother or Carrie. Do you really want to add another problem to this situation."  Shane looked at Angie intently.  "You are old enough to understand," Shane paused,"and remember what I told you about staying out of their way while they sort this out."

Angie got up and went to her room without saying another word. Alice and Shane looked at each other, knowing that lunch was going to be an interesting meal.

Later that same day

"So a Psychologist, wow, how long do you have to go to school to do that," Alice asked with a smile.

"To long," Carrie responded. "Like many Psychologists, I started out wanting to be a medical doctor. When I found out what classes I had to take, I realized that the academic suffering wasn't worth it, at least to me."

"So you have a practice in Toronto, are you planning to move it to Los Angeles?"  Shane inquired. The question hung in the air.

"Maybe Carrie can stay in Toronto with Mama T, then she can keep her practice," Angie said sarcastically.

"Angie," Tina said giving Angie a knock it off look.

Shane also looked at Angie, who rolled her eyes before looking down at her food and taking a bite.

"I know moving a practice can be challenging, but like anything it can be done. You said you moved your practice before from New York, right?" Nat piped in redirecting the conversations. "Whatever the decision, I am sure it will all work out," Nat looked at Shane with a change the subject look.

"So... Tina, did Angie tell you what happened to Bette in New York?"  Shane said, thinking to late that this may not have been the best subject either.

"No," she looked at Angie and then at Shane inquisitively.

"Peggy retired and gave the company to Helena and Bette.  They are now running the Peabody Foundation," Shane said with a smile.

"What! When did this happen? Wow!" Shaking her head. "I presume Bette will be in charge of the Peabody Art Foundation?" She asked, looking at Shane who nodded yes.  "That's an amazing opportunity for her. She was always happiest when running a gallery and the Foundation has galleries in Paris, Los Angeles and New York," Tina said in astonishment.

Carrie, Shane, Alice, Angie and Nat all watched Tina, as she processed the news.

"Bette is coming back to Los Angeles a very powerful woman in the Art Arena," said Alice proudly.

"I'm sure Bette's pretty happy about all of this after what happened in New York," Carrie said matter of factly.

"What?" Tina looked at Carrie confused. "What are you talking about?" Tina ask inquisitively.

"Well you know, the thing with her partner and the gallery they had in New York," Carrie looked at Tina curiously.

"What happened?" Alice and Shane said in unison.

"Bette said that they dissolved their partnership over a disagreement on the direction of the galleries and that it got pretty ugly," Shane said probingly.

Tina looked at everyone in confusion. 

Carrie looked at all the women at the table and landed on an insistent stare from Tina to continue. Carrie was surprised that no one at this table new what had occurred in New York, given the severity of the situation.  Carrie was even more surprised that Tina didn't know what happened to her ex-wife during their marriage.

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