Mission 10: Ozcar, The Wizard

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Slayer's POV

After the man gave finished giving his speech, I saw what I presume were students beginning to leave the room. They all went the way the other the two and I came in from. I noticed some of them saw me and began muttering stuff about me to their friends, just like the kids at the other school did. I decided to ignore them as I saw the adults except for the man and the person in the robot suit leave as well through a different exit.

'Is that guy the principal or something?' I internally question.

"I believe so." Vega responds. "But after scanning him from here, he doe not appear to be older than twenty three."

'A little strange...don't you think?'

"I agree."

When everyone except the five of us had left, the man and the guy in the suit made their way to us. Yatsuhashi and Ruby walk to them as I hesitantly followed. When all of us were in the center of the room, we stopped walking. The man had a small smile on his face as he looks at me.

"Hello," He says. "I'm Ozcar. I am the headmaster of this school." He puts out a hand for me to shake. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Doom Slayer."

I was about to shake his hand, but the last part Ozcar said made me stop. My eyes widen a little. I was ready to pull out my Super Shotgun as I heard Vega speak up.

"How do you know the Doom Slayer's name?" Thankfully Vega had the same thought as me.

Ozcar looks a little shocked by Vega's question. But that quickly faded faster than it appeared as it was replaced with a smile. "Ruby told me everything last night."

I turn my head towards little red riding hood. She too smiles as she gave a nod. "Yep!" She says.

"......" I simply turn to Ozcar again. I just nod to him as I'm starting to feel suspicious about him. But if Ruby and the others went out of their way to get me to meet him, I guess he's got some good reason to see me. I saw he was holding some kind of cane in his hands.

Ozcar turns to Ruby and Yatsuhashi. "I would like to speak to the Slayer in private, if you wouldn't mind." He says kindly. "I believe Jaune and the others are wanting to speak to you two in the training room."

"Really?" Yatsuhashi asks. "Why there?"

"I believe some of the students are not fully interested in training. They would like you two to come back and help give them some motivation." The two simply nod.

"And me?" The one I believe was Bailey asks.

Ozcar turns to him. "I would like you to stay with me for a bit. But do please message Glynda to find Azazel and bring him to my office. He skipped another meeting."

Bailey nods. The other two began walking out of the room via the way we came in. I saw Ruby waving to us as Yatsuhashi just walks. When they were gone, I turn to Ozcar and the other. I noticed the latter was staring at me.

"Thank you for coming." Ozcar says, bringing my attention to him. "I would like for the three of us to walk to my office before we continue."

I shrug as Vega replies: "Very well."

Ozcar nods. He heads to the exit the other adults went through before Bailey follows him. He nods for me too as well, so I follow.

The walk was silent. The three of us didn't say anything as I studied the campus around us. It looks mostly alright, but there were some parts of the school I saw that were either slightly broken down or destroyed completely. After several minutes we approached a giant tower. I look up as I didn't stop walking. I couldn't even see the top of the place as it was as tall as a skyscraper. We entered a room and went into an elevator. No one said anything the whole way up.

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