It didn't feel right. I felt serious- really bad.
The light- or electricity got-darker. Really darker and I could hear something. Like steps and not the ones from them guys- they felt close.

"I can hear something!" I said.

"Carol? Jess?. No one?" Asked Ember

"Can't I try- waking up?" Asked I.

"Are you stupid Stiles?" Said Lexi meanly

I looked down, feeling disappointed but the floor was shiny. THERE WAS FLOOR. It was grey and marble. I could move my leg. I moved my feet on the floor and I could feel the roughness. I should've wore shoes but I didn't think I would go anywhere so I had my socks on. When I looked up- the sky was all grey too. It had like lots of colours- metal ones. It looked really cool- but then I could hear steps again. I turned back and I saw it.

"Guys Please!" I said, begging for help.

I started running. I didn't even have time to look at the boulders that I ran past.

"What! It can't be-" Said Carol. "There shouldn't be anyone else."

"The Marker?" Asked Lexi.

"I'm running. I think I'm being chased." Said I- in that way- that when people say it when they're like tired and stuff.

"It can't be the marker." Said Jess to Lexi( I think). "You guys were already marked. Why would it be here?"

"Who's chasing you?" Asked Kai

"It's- a- rock."  I said.

"What?" Said Ember.

I turned back for a quick second.
It was this giant made out of boulders instead of arms and legs and fingers and heads- wait there's only one head. It was made out of boulders yet it was chasing me and it was nearly winning. The steps were so loud and it was like bangs instead.

"It's just running at ME, but I'm ahead of it. What do I- OW." I said as I fell to the ground.

"STILES?" Yelled Jess.

"I just tripped over the rocks." I said.

"Tripped?" Said Carol.

"Rocks?" Said Kai.

"Actually, I think they pulled me." I said

"Nature is against you. Ironic." Said Lexi sassily.

The rock was near me. It was sprinting and it looked like it was about to jump.

"The rock, it's coming for me. What do I do?" I asked.

"Stiles what are you try-n- to s-y—" Said Kai but his voice was muffled like a glitchy game-
LIKE NINTENDO. I love Nintendo. It's so fun and I love- snap out of it.

If their voice was muffled then mine was probably too.

" St-I-les W- C-NT HE-R Y-U." Glitched Carol

"That's it I am going to w-ke hi-m u- I have to." Said Carol, whose voice sounded more clear.

"You c-n- yo- can di—— everyth-n-g." Argued Jess.

"I must." I think she grabbed me, yet then I could hear a gasp and something hit the floor. I could hear everyone else yell her name.

The golem thingy was running, sprinting. Yet I could've swore it was closer before-

"What happe-n—, wh-t di- you s—." Said Ember, really loud.

I didn't hear anything on the other end.
"Hello?" I called. They didn't hear me.

I still didn't hear anything.

Then she screamed.
Like a wailing sound- the sound shattered my ears as I comforted them, attempting to block it out. It was like when I see a spider but like a million spiders more.
I could imagine how it was for them. Probably much louder.

I knew what I had to do. I could never do anything right- but I had to try. I had to be with them. Ember knew he was going to die yet he was so brave still. Why can't I be like that?

I can. I will. I got up, facing the golem. It was running. I waited yet it didn't come. It wasn't going to come. It was a test.


And as I woke up, the screaming stopped. I noticed that Carol was on the floor, while my siblings were helping her get up. When they saw me stifling on the sofa, they ran to me and left her. Lol. I got up yet stumbled as I lumbered to the floor.

"Are you okay?" Asked Jess, as she hugged me. Jess.

"I'm alright- I didn't find anything useful. So it was pointless." I said-feeling downs

Carol was kneeling down. Ember went up to her slowly.
"Are you okay? You had a prophecy- didn't you? What did you see?" Asked Ember.

Her eyes shone a dark royal blue. The first time, we saw her true eyes.

"I saw-" She started. "I- saw."

"I- saw..."

W.E.L.F.S: The Snake's Eye (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now