Iris observed her mistress from a distance as she enjoyed the cup of tea prepared solely for her. Delighted that she brightens a portion of her day with her daily preparations despite the longing look the Queen always seems to carry. Unbeknownst to her mistress, Iris observed her beautiful hazel orbs that contained numerous shades similar to her own set of rainbows held so much darkness and emptiness inside those depths.

"Is there anything you wish for, my Lady?" Iris inquired, in hopes of improving the Queen of Heaven's mood.

The cup was placed on her bedside table before replying to her loyal handmaiden, "No, dear." It was abrupt on her part. Iris followed through as her mistress stood and she immediately removed her robes in preparation for her bath.

In front of the comfort room's gigantic mirror, Hera's gaze wandered around each curve of her body. Despite possessing the ideal physical appearance of a woman, she resented every inch of her.

Unwanted feelings of insecurities.

Iris helped her ease into the boiling bathtub that contained scented flowers and soap that improved and flourished her skin.

"Did I ever fail to appease the eyes of men, Iris?"

Her handmade was dumbfounded by the sudden question of the Queen. She was certain that this question was more related to their King's cheating ways affecting her mistress. Iris was trained to be perceptive for the Queen and therefore, observed her frowning at her very own reflection.

In her eyes, her mistress looked glamorous. Perfect.

"You attract many men when your eyes aren't glimpsing at them. I suppose I should honestly inform you of your appealing elegance and glamour, my Queen. Something many women (mortals and goddesses alike), including I, are very envious of." She was gratified with Iris' answer that eased a few of her worries.

Her handmaiden proceeded on washing her Majesty and afterward, combed her long wavy ginger red hair that flowed down her waist. Elegantly, she braided and turned it into a bun before hiding it under her veil, refusing to reveal her locks to the public. On top of it was her polos, an Ancient Greek crown that Zeus created solely for his precious Queen. This serves as a proper way of showing that she is, indeed, tied down to her King and appears as the Queen of the vast lands of Olympus. Hera dressed into her royal white chiton with a golden girdle attached around her waist. Iris moved over and positioned her golden cloak made out of lion skin on top of the chiton. She also handed over Hera's white gloves.

Without wasting any more time as it is, Her Majesty departed her private chambers, Iris following shortly behind. In front of gigantic marble doors, her name was announced to the entire Pantheon present in the dining hall. Everyone was obligated to rise and welcome her presence despite the obvious distaste most held towards her. Upon reaching her seat, she noticed the King's absence at the end of the long table. It would mean that she would have to lead today's meeting and duties as well.

"You may all sit."

The first meal of the day was not as pleasant as she anticipated. After the command, the deities were quick enough to indulge themselves with the food being served while conversing with one another. The Queen of the gods paid no attention to their silly antics and rumors. In fact, she was in some sort of trance. Unfocused. Lost.

"Mother...?" Her son, Ares, the god of war broke her out of her trance. His features are oddly similar to hers. His orbs may be bloody in the eyes of mortals but at the same time, it holds a hint of unique hazel that only she possesses. In fact, there are similarities he took over from his mother. One of them is the strategic characteristics when it comes to war which would explain Ares' main domain. Hera was gratified at her son's improvement over the years though he still possesses his well-known bloodlust, he became even more civilized throughout the years.

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