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The baby coos at its mother as she sings a lullaby of old from her own mother, in her long forgotten memories.

“She’ll never sleep if you keep playing with her.”

“Shh. Ignore you’re daddy, I do half the time.”

He gives his wife of 5 years a playful slap on the butt as he comes up behind her, “She’s beautiful. She takes after you, you know. She has your starlight eyes.”

The mother beams with pride as she kisses her husband touching his cheek, “Yes, but she’ll grow up like you. Not caring what people think of her blue skin.”

He wraps his arms around her, snuggling her and the baby close, “Thank god it’s only skin. I was worried she’ll have fur like me.”

“Oh stop it,” she playfully swats at his hands, “Your fur is my favorite part about you.”

“I thought it was my looks.”

“Well, the blue and tail didn’t hurt.”

She laughs he slightly tackles her sending the baby into a frenzy of laughs, “See what you did. And you’re talking about me keeping her up.” She hands her precious daughter to her father, “Here, she’ll only go to sleep if daddy puts her to sleep.”

He cradles his precious daughter in his arms as her mother settles into the rocker. He then jumps to the ceiling and hangs upside down as the baby squeals with delight. Mother begins to sing again as Daddy rocks in motion with her, and her eyes land on his as memories of their lives play before her eyes. The baby blinks and tries to stay awake enough to see her parent share a kiss and a look of love as sleep claims her. As she falls asleep, Mother and Father take her to her crib and tuck her in, brushing her soft black hair. They stand there watching their daughter, their little miracle as she slumbers.

He wraps her in his arms from behind as he kisses her forehead and she rubs her hands up and down his arms, “Good night, Nigella.”

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