Chapter 7

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Nelliea manages to make it into the bathroom and take deep breathes calming herself before the place starts shaking. Barely made it. Why the hell am I even mad? Nelliea looks herself in the mirror, asking herself why was she so upset. Clearly it was that bitch but that made no sense. She barely knew her! It could be just as Kurt said; she was just hard to get along with at first. But remembering how Kurt defended her just pissed Nelliea off even more. She shakes her head as she realizes, I'm pissed cause he defended her? What the hell?! Trying to push the thought out of her head, she jumps into the shower, quickly washes up. She didn't want to give that bitch another reason to snark at her. Drying and redressing, Nelliea makes her way towards the kitchen, following the sounds. She stops at the doorway and studies the scene before her. The girl was clearly still upset over something; it was evident in her movements of flinging everything around her. And poor Kurt was caught in the middle, taking her rants in stride and doing his best to appease her. Nelliea blinks as she realizes what she's seeing before her. Kurt was still wearing his watch. Nelliea thought for sure he would take it off, being home and all. But obviously he kept it on for the girl. She doesn't let him be free in his own home. Nelliea's hands tighten into fist as her eyes darken. The apartment starts to visibly shake, alarming the other two before Nelliea reals her emotions back in. She slams down on her heart, locking the emotions inside. Dejected, Nelliea leans against the doorway disappointed in herself. All these years, all that training, and I still lose control.

"Hey, you ok?"

Nelliea looks up and sees Kurt hovering around her, obvious concern written on his face. Nelliea gives him a weak smile as she pushes away from the door jamb saying she's alright. She then strolls in towards a glaring Amanda and ask for something to help with. Amanda blinks at the sudden act of kindness and quickly puts her to work, obviously getting revenge for whatever was upsetting her. The meal passed in relative silence with Kurt trying to get the girls to talk but to no avail. As the evening ended the meal with it and dishes put away, Kurt leads Nelliea to his room.

"Here you go," He flicks the lights on, "This is my room, but you can sleep in it till we find you a place."

Nelliea stopped at the door and puts her hands on her hips, "No way. This is your room. I'm fine with the couch. Believe me I've slept on worse, a couch would be like clouds compared to anything else I've slept on."

Kurt walks back, shaking his head, "No you'll take the bed. Professor X wants us to go over tomorrow and help Wolverine with training. He said you'll do fine and I say you need a full night's sleep in a comfortable bed. So you'll sleep in the bed."

He attempts to walk around her but she puts her foot down, literally on his. As he leans on his tail rubbing his foot she leans towards him, "And again, I say no, I'll take the couch. You can be a gentleman about anything else, but I sleep alone, by myself, where I choose. And I choose the couch, k?"

Kurt continues to glare at her as he straightens, "Why do you have to be so stubborn about this?"

"Who says I'm stubborn? You're the stubborn one!" She pokes a finger at his chest, in a fit of anger, she snatches the watch off, displaying his true form, "And you shouldn't even have to wear this in your own home!"

Kurt's eyes flashes with anger as he grabs for his watch but Nelliea projects her Soul-Self on it, floating it out of his reach, "It's so Amanda doesn't freak out, now give it back!"

"That's my point! If she's such a good friend and really knows you, she shouldn't care like I do!"

At that statement, Kurt stops and looks her dead in the eye, "What?"

She crosses her arms, "If she's such a good friend and really knows you, she shouldn't care like I do."

He blinks, "You don't care?"

Nelliea sighs and tilts her head, "Why should I?"

Kurt feels the air whoosh from his lungs, as if he's releasing a breath he never knew he held. He feels his heart beating in his chest as a warm feeling spreads throughout his body. Without even thinking about it, he grabs Nelliea's hand and before she could react he pulls her to him, touching her lips with his. He closes his eyes at the sensation rushing through him, it felt so right. Nelliea can only gasp at the array of emotions erupting through her mind as she feels his lips on hers. She puts a hand up to his chest and feels his fur under his shirt which only set her hand on fire. As they were about to embrace Nelliea's eyes snap open and sees everything in his room levitating, emitting light from her Soul-Self. She quickly throws herself out of his reach as everything clambers down. Kurt looks around, confused at the mess and clutter of his room. He looks back and sees Nelliea hugging herself, visibly shaking, She must have lost control. He tries to reach out for her but his hand is slapped away by a black light.

Before he could question her Amanda pokes her head out of her room, "What the hell are-" She stops as she sees the mess behind Kurt then sees him in his true form. Anger erupts in her eyes as she slams the door, unsure of what she's even mad about.

Nelliea takes a step back, still hugging herself, refusing to look him in the eye, "I'll sleep on the couch. I'm sorry for taking your watch."

As she turns Kurt tries to say something but can think of nothing as his watch floats back into his hand. As she turns down the hallway and walks into the living room, Kurt stares at his watch. He suddenly realizes that she's right. He shouldn't have to hide himself, not even in his own home. He blinks as he realizes that the main reason he kissed Nelliea was because she felt that way. Why should I care? Kurt smirks as that thought still warms his heart. He looks up and questions whether or not if he should go see if she's ok. He soon decides that perhaps he should stay away, Only this one time. He turns and closes his door, setting about straitening his room up.

As Nelliea makes her way into the living room, she sits on the couch and curls into a ball, hugging herself tight. She quickly puts herself in a trance and tries working through all the emotions she's felt. She's horrified at finding herself falling for him. Falling? Falling's such a strong word.

" is ok..."

Nelliea sits up inside her starry space and sees the younger version of her standing before her. This is the first time she's ever talked and Nelliea's slightly taken aback.

"What did you say?"

" is ok..."

"What's ok?"

The little girl only stares at Nelliea, "It's ok...that I'm falling?"


Nelliea blinks at the blunt statement. Taking a moment, she soon gets up and walks toward the young girl. Standing before her, the girl looks up, looking her in the eye. Nelliea can find no words to say or ask, so she holds her hand out to the small child. The girl stares at her hand, unblinking.

Turning her head back up, "...are you sure..."

Nelliea smiles, "Yes."

"...there will be pain..."

"That's ok."

"...i will cause you pain..."

Nelliea kneels down to eye level with the child, still holding her hand out, "That's ok. It'll heal."

The girl only stares unblinking. As Nelliea watches, her lips seem to twitch, almost into a smile as she reaches out and grabs her hand. As their hands are conjoined, blinding light flashes from them and a voice is heard as Nelliea opens her eyes.


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