Chapter 8

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She can't believe she remembers her name! Nelliea smiles as she sits up, waking from her trance and making her way into the bathroom. She takes her morning shower and never stops smiling, reveling in the fact that she remembers something. Nigella. What a beautiful name. As she walks out the bathroom, shaking her hair apart into waves, she hears whistling coming from the kitchen. She walks into the doorway and her smile only brightens. There's Kurt making breakfast, scramble eggs in a pan in one hand, spatula in another, and his tail flipping pancakes. I don't think he realizes he's not wearing his watch. Nelliea laughs to herself as she goes for the coffee, pouring them both a mug.


"Good morning Nelliea. Hope you slept well. How do you like your eggs?"

Nelliea sets his mug by his hand as she leans against the counter sipping hers, "Scrambled and greasy."

"Good. That's the only way I can make them."

Kurt flashes her a smile, to which she chuckles in turn, "It's good to see you."

Kurt sees she means him without the watch and smiles, "Yeah. I realize you were right. I shouldn't have to hide who I am in my own home."

"Good. I'm glad." Looking around Nelliea notices Amanda's nowhere around, "Where'd Amanda go?"

The smile on his face slowly dies as his mood darkens, "She left. After seeing me in my real form, she demanded that I put the watch on while she's around. I told her I refused, that she should be used to it by now. She then left in a huff to work early."

As much as Nelliea was proud about Kurt standing up for himself, she hated seeing him so hurt by Amanda's words and actions. Without thinking she goes over and hugs Kurt from behind squeezing him close. Kurt stiffens as her arms came around him but upon that squeeze his heart melts and his body loosens. He lays a hand on hers and says a quiet thanks. Nelliea only mutters a no biggie as she gives him another squeeze. She then let's go and pats his back, giving him another smile. She goes about setting the table, finding the plates and utensils. As they sit and say grace, Nelliea takes a bite of the eggs, loving the taste of grease in the morning. With the food gone Kurt pulls out the paper and begins reading of yesterday's and today's events as Nelliea grabs for the comics. As she reads, Kurt looks up and notices that she's been smiling all morning. Not that he was complaining, she has a beautiful smile and she's simply breathtaking when she smiles like that.

With a quick smirk Kurt can't help but ask, "So what's got you in such a good mood?"

Nelliea looks up and he nearly drowns in her dark blue eyes, twinkling like the evening sky, memorizing him. He blinks himself out of it as she continues talking and tries to keep up with her.

"I remember my name! I can't believe it! Not even now!"

"Whoa whoa wait hold on. Back up now. I may be a Private I but I need more than that."

Nelliea chuckles as she sets the paper down and starts over, "I don't have memories of when I was young. The earliest thing I remember with clarity is at the orphanage when I was 7. Whenever I dream though I would always have this dreamlike memory that I was never really sure if it was a memory or not. Anyways, in this dream I see a younger version of me, about 4 or 5, and I'd just be walking around this ruined city. I showed it to Professor X yesterday in hopes that'll he'll be able to tell me something, but he said whatever is hidden is too well hidden even for him."

"That's no easy feat." Kurt says as he leans on his elbow, listening with intent.

"I can imagine so," Nelliea smiles some more as she continues her story, "But then he suggested that I try talking her, the younger me. So last night when I meditated she popped up before me and I.....made contact, is the word. And when I did a name came to my mind as I came out. Nigella. That's my name Kurt! Nigella!"

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