Chapter 9

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Nelliea smiled as she sat down, "So you've heard."

Professor X leans on his desk smiling, "Yes I have. Kurt was quite adamant about sharing your good news."

"Hehe, I can tell."

The Professor comes around the desk, coming up to Nelliea and takes her hand into his, "So...did you learn anything else?"

Nelliea looks down, "No, not yet. I'm still not completely sure, but I won't give up."

As she looks up the Professor can see the look of determination in her eyes. He smiles and pats her hand, telling her if she ever needs him, just say so. They make small talk as time flies and Nelliea gets up, excusing herself saying she should find Kurt. The Professor gives her directions to him and as she finds him in a gym, she sees him with one of the teens from the training exercise. He's giving him pointers and combat moves. Nelliea shakes her head as she goes up to them.

"You're doing that wrong."

Kurt gives her a look, "What are you talking about?"

She points to his raised fist, "You're hand shouldn't be so tense. That's why they're always hurting. Having the muscles loose in your hands lets the energy disports harmlessly instead of hurting you."

Kurt mulls this over in his head as he keeps his pose, "Makes sense, but I still disagree."

She tilts her head, "Wanna have a go at it then? Test it out?"

Kurt looks at her as his eyes light up. He agrees and they move to the matted section of the room, facing each other. The teen is designated referee as they raise their arms in the ready. The signal is given and Kurt makes a jump, spinning his leg. Nelliea blocks it then grabs his thigh as she swings her body forward, spinning her waist dragging him with her. She throws him into the ground but he's able to defend himself, propping back up facing her. He grins at her as he goes into a boxing pose and starts throwing punches at her. She sidesteps every punch as she back away. Seeing an opening, she grabs a flying punch and flips him over her side, twisting his arm landing her foot at his throat. Nelliea smiles down at a bewildered Kurt as applause is heard. Distracted Nelliea looks away and sees a small crowd of teens forming around them. Taking this opportunity, Kurt throws up his legs wrapping them around her neck, bringing her down and landing on her back, pinning her. He gives a small laugh in triumph as she struggles. Getting an idea, Nelliea stills and collects her strength. Without warning she pulls her legs up jumping on her feet and stands with a stunned Kurt straddling her back. She reaches back grabbing his shirt and tries throwing him again but he counters, placing his foot down and pushing back against her. Before she could be thrown off balance, she jumps and summersaults over him as he falls back letting her go. She lands beside him and pins him down with her knee at his throat and a punch poised for a strike. Both panting hard, they stare at each other, grinning foolishly as a curious feeling overcomes them both. Nelliea's grip loosens as she wonders at this new feeling but before either of them could say anything a gruff voice is heard.

"Well kid I'd say you're lacking."

She jumps off him, embarrassed as he stays on the ground staring at Wolverine, "Hey have you seen her move? It's hard to get any kind of grip on her."

"Oh there's a grip alright," Wolverine mutters to himself. Nelliea tries to hear what he said but he moves on, "But, that was some fine butt kicking you gave him. What'd you say to becoming my assistant?"

Nelliea blinks at him, "Do what?"

Wolverine crosses his arms as he drags a breath on his cigar, "I'm supposed to be teaching these brats, training them for battles. Blue boy here's suppose to help me out but because of his work he can't. I could use a good assistant that's seen actual battle. What'd you say?"

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