Chapter 4

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Nelliea blinks as she finds herself lying down on the bench in the park. She throws her arm across her forehead and stares at the stars. I wonder where that blue star is. Nelliea sits up and rubs her neck at the cramp that formed and looks around. There's no one in site yet she can't help but feel someone watching her. As she tries to see in the darkness Kurt walks up to her hiding his presence.

"You're a hard woman to find."

Nelliea jumps and puts herself in defensive position. But as Kurt walks into the moonlight, illuminating him in its pale blue light, Nelliea blinks and relaxes.

Putting her hands down to her side, "Who are you?"

Kurt crosses his arm and raises an eyebrow, "Shouldn't you be asking me why I am looking for you?"

Nelliea shrugs and starts rummaging in her pack, "You're a mutant and you didn't come to fight so why should I worry?"

"How do you know I'm a mutant?"

"I can vaguely sense other mutants, especially when they're close by. I can also sense the feelings and intention of others."

Kurt is slightly taken aback as she answers his second question without asking. He watches her as she digs through her pack obviously looking for something.

"What are you looking for?"


Nelliea pulls out a handful of mini candy bars. Some are mushed while others are whole. Nelliea grabs the three mushed ones and handed out the others to Kurt.

"Want one? You can have one if you want."

Kurt looks at her skeptically as he reaches for one. He takes one and begins to munch on it as Nelliea eats her mini bars, scarfing them down.

"Sorry, I would offer you more but comin' out of meditation always makes me hungry."

"Why were you meditating?"

"It's how I keep my powers under control and train."

Nelliea looks at him and smiles as she gathers her things. She quickly counts the change in her pockets with her fingers and decides she has enough for some convenience store junk food.

As she turns to walk she beckons Kurt to come with her, "So if I'm such a hard woman to find, how'd you find me?"

Kurt relaxes and walks beside her, there was something about her that made him feel at ease, "My secretary saw the picture I had of you and mentioned she met you at the 'Night Light' last night."

"Oh that was Glasses wasn't it?"

"Her name's Sandra yes."

"Oh ok cool. Now how did you get a picture of me?"

"When you came to the Chinese restaurant with the crates, I took a picture then."

"I thought you looked familiar."

They walk up to a gas station and Nelliea walks in with Kurt following her. She heads for the candy and makes her picks with those with the most sugar. Her sugar was always low after meditating for a few hours and she found the best way to replace it is eat lots of Pixie Sticks and Gummy Worms. Kurt watches her with interest as she pays for her food. They step out and Nelliea digs into the bag pulling out a chocolate bar and handing it to Kurt.

"Here you go."

"No thanks, I don't want it."

"Oh well more for me."

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