Chapter 10

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For the next few weeks, Nelliea's life went by in bliss. She didn't even notice the time flying. Amanda came back to the apartment the day after the fight and collected her things. She fully moved out by the end of the week and Nelliea was sad to see her forced from her home and she could tell Kurt was sad as well, even though he tried to hide it. As they became closer together, spending more time with each other, their make out sessions would get hotter and hotter but Nelliea still had to work on keeping herself under control. The frustration was the only downside to her new life as she started teaching the teen's martial arts and living with Kurt, the man she was becoming to love. Since moving in she no longer dreamt of little Nigella and it worried her at first, but she convinced herself it was nothing to worry about. She wanted to give herself completely and fully to Kurt but was too afraid of what such a complete loss of control would do. He said he understands, that there's no pressure and there's no rush. But every time they pushed the limit further and further to the breaking point, endangering everyone. And every time Kurt had to pull away from her she saw the hurt build in his eyes. He must think I'm doing this on purpose. Nelliea tries to shake these depressing thoughts out of her mind as the teens pile into the training room. Kurt's chained to his desk by order of Sandra so she and Wolverine had to do this training exercise by themselves today.

The frustration at herself builds as she becomes angry. She hears Wolverine talking to the teens, prepping them for the session as she starts pacing herself. Wolverine looks at her curiously and tells the teens to go prepare as he walks to her.

"What's wrong?"

Nelliea looks at him in passing as she continues to pace, throwing her arms up in the air, "Why the hell can't I ever completely control my powers?! I mean I've been training for years! I should be able to enjoy life to some extent by now! Right?! Right?!"

Wolverine raises an eyebrow at her sudden burst of anger, "No one can ever get complete control of their powers."

"You have complete control of yours!" She points a finger at him as she paces by.

"Yes but my power's only healing. My metal claws are due to an experiment, they're not natural. You not having complete control only means how great your powers are."

Nelliea stops and stares at Wolverine as he actually said something that made sense. He shrugs his shoulders and scratches his head, "At least that's what the Professor would say."

Nelliea walks up to him and gives him a peck on the cheek, "Thanks Wolfie."

He growls at her playfully as she rounds up the kids, starting the simulation. The training starts off without a hitch as the kids attack her with more confidence now after having train with her. Half way through the training, Nelliea raises her staff to strike a student when everything blackens and time stops. Her heartbeat echoes through her mind and rings in her ears as she freezes. The student she was poised to attack takes a step back as her eyes become black and black energy seeps through her body.


He whirls at the sound of his name and sees Nelliea in mid-strike, emitting this black energy. He rushes to her but his hands are thrown back by the force and he turns, rushing the teens out of the room. The simulation frizzes as her power grows and the room starts to rumble.

Professor! Better get the kid here now!

Do not worry. I just told him.

Kurt plops before Wolverine staring at Nelliea, "What the hell happened?!"

The air in the room begins to swirl as Nelliea collapses to the ground. Kurt tries to go to her but Wolverine puts a hand on his shoulder halting him, "Wait a second kid! We have no idea what the fuck's going on! We should get everyone to safety and see if the Professor can do anything!"

FanFic: NightcrawlerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora