A Little Skirmish

Start from the beginning

He looked at me with a stoic face before suddenly breaking out into a lopsided grin. "All good Harry, understandable for you to think since I was with Draco. Just remember to think before doing anything." He held out his hand.

"Really? Thanks man I guess you're right." I extend my hand and shook his hand.

"Though, is it ok if I do ask why you were with Draco... And um I thought you were mad at him Hermione." I asked, glancing at Hermione for the last part.

She shook her head. "He explained to me with some of Professor McGonagall's help and we've sorted it out.."

"Well if you really want to know and I know you probably won't believe me, but I was having a friendly conversation with Draco. He's a good kid, just going in the wrong direction. He told me what's going on with him and I could see all the pressure he had. Also, before you ask, I swore on the Unbreakable Vow to not reveal anything he told me." Percy answered the first part of my question with a slight grin.

My mouth hung open from what I had just heard come from the mouth of the boy in front of me. "I don't know how I feel about that. I mean, if what you say is true then I don't know. Just don't expect me to be all buddy with him."

This caused Hermione and Ginny to nod their heads in agreement. Percy just shook his head at us.

"Anyway what are you guys up to?" I inquired, just noticing that we were standing near the main doors of the castle.

"We were just going to sit by the Black Lake because it's a nice day and think of a way to get Neville to stop hating Percy so much." said Ginny.

"I sill don't understand, why doesn't he like me? I never did anything to offend him I think" Percy muttered with a thoughtful look on his face

"You're so oblivious Percy. He likes Luna, but he thinks she likes you so he's jealous." Hermione rolled her eyes incredulously at how blind Percy was.

"Huh?" Percy questioned with a bemused expression.

Ginny and I laughed at him. Hermione shook her head in defeat.

"Let's just go." I sighed.

"I'm with Harry on that." Percy agreed.

We opened the doors and walked toward the Black Lake. I didn't notice it before but it really was a nice day. I guess they were right. Percy led us to a big tree by the lake that provided a good amount of shade to protect us from the sun glaring down on us after sitting there for a while. He took a seat and leaned against the tree while Hermione sat next to him. Ginny sat across from them and I decided to lie down and rest my head on Ginny's lap. She stared to play with my hair a little.

"Now that I look at it, you guys look kind of similar. Both have green eyes and messy black hair. You could be brothers," said Hermione, leaning her head on Percy's shoulder.

Percy laughed. "Us brothers? Doubt it."

"I agree we are nothing alike at all." I nodded.

"I was just saying." Hermione shrugged.

"Well, onto the topic at hand, commerce planning for 'Operation get Neville to like me for which I still don't understand why he hates me'." Percy frowned.

We laughed at Percy for his operation name.

"Anyways we got to get Neville to see that Luna doesn't like Percy." I started.

"How exactly would we do that?" asked Hermione.

"Guys I think you're both forgetting, does Luna actually like Percy or not?" asked Ginny, voicing an important piece of information we were forgetting.

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