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Elena returns to the Salvatore House feeling extremely nervous and a bit nauseous.

She sees Caroline standing outside.

"Hey." She says awkwardly.

"Hey, everyone's inside, we need to talk to you."

Elena and Caroline walk in everyone's crowded around in the living room, everyone but Damon.

The chatter stops as they turn to Elena and Caroline.

They walk over towards them.

Bonnie welcomes Elena with a hug.

While Stefan, Jeremy and Matt stand in place not knowing what to say.

So Elena starts. "What is all this about?"

"It's about Sam." Stefan answers glancing at Caroline.
She nods.

"What about him?" Elena asks crossing her arms.

"He isn't who he says he is." Jeremy answers.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Elena asks annoyed.

"Elena. It means he knows about what we are." Stefan answers.

"He's using you to find us and when he gets what he wants he will kill you." Jeremy adds in with a rude tone in his voice.

"That's not true." She growls.

"He has fake records and a fake name. We checked everywhere, we even called other schools and no one knows a Sam Cooke." Matt says adding more evidence to Jeremy's blunt accusation.

"Did you get that information off Google?" Elena barked.

"Why are you acting like this?" Caroline asked rudely.

"Acting like what!? I like someone, it's not a big deal!" Elena shouts.

"He's also human." Jeremy implies.

"This is about Damon, isn't it?" Elena states ignoring Jeremy.

"It's not just about Damon.-"

Elena cuts Stefan off.

"This is about Damon." She shakes her head.

"He loves you, and he's hurting." Stefan says in Damon's defence.

"And you dont think I'm not?"
Elena was fed up and to tired to fight.

"It's not my responsibility to take care of Damon, who will only ever be a ticking time bomb." "And I'm not going to stick around the next time he blows up." With that said everyone goes silent.

"I'm out if here." Elena storms out.

Bonnie chases after her.

The rest of them stay.

"What now?" Matt questions.

"For now we keep a close eye on Sam and the Feds." Stefan said, taking charge as usual.

"What about Damon?" Caroline asks, complicating the situation.

"I'll take care of Damon. Just try to keep the Elena and Sam thing under wraps, and don't mention anything about the Feds being involved with this. Damon knows nothing and I'd like to keep it that way."

Everyone nods in agreement.

Unfortunately what the group didn't know is that their fearless leader Stefan Salvatore wasn't feeling so confident, he knew this was the start of what could be a serious battle.

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