Salvatore Brother Bonding

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Damon races home. Furious.

"That guy's going to regret it." he clenches his teeth and his hands squeeze the steering wheel.

"Stefan!" Damon yells as he enters the living room.

Stefan flies down from the stairs rushing to Damon's aid.

"What is it?"

"The Fed's are on to us." Damon says still steaming with anger.

"What do you mean?" Stefan crosses his arms against his chest.

"I mean, if I see that fed's smug face i'll ripping him apart slowly!" Damon throws his glass into the fire place.

"Damon... Relax. Get some rest an we can deal with this tomorrow." Stefan calmingly soothes Damon from his rage, and for the first time Damon listened.

Without a word Damon sluggishly pulled himself upstairs.

As soon as Stefan heard Damon's door close, he took action.



"I need your help." Stefan said quietly.

"What is it?"

"The FBI are in Mystic Falls, and Damon had a meltdown with an agent, now Damon's paranoia has the best of him. Ever since that fight with Elena, Damon's been on edge. He's not stable enough to help, I'm afraid his anger is getting the best of him."

"I know what you mean." Caroline looks over at unconscious Elena.

"So will you help?"

"Of course Stefan!"

"Great. I need you to ask your mother about what the FBI asked, and maybe check out who the agent is."

"Okay, i'll call Matt and Jeremy tomorrow for help."

"Great. Thank you Caroline."


Stefan hangs up. He felt very stressed dealing with two problems at once, The FBI could potentially figure it out, Damon left his kill lying around. Sloppy, almost like what a new vampire would do.

They could easily find Damon's DNA all over the man. And possibly on the other victims.

If Damon got caught he was taking Stefan down with him. But what makes matters worse Stefan was officially tiptoeing on eggshells and now watching Damon's every move. He couldn't be trusted, not now. Not when Elena has that kind of hold on his emotions and on his heart.

It's all up to Caroline now.

Song Recommendation: Icky Thump - The White Stripes

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