First Impressions

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As Elena lay peacefully in her bed, she thought 'today is a new day'. For the first time in a long time she was excited to get out of bed, even if she was recovering from a broken heart and a very painful hangover.

"Elena!" Caroline yelled walking into their room.

"Caroline. Be quiet." Elena says pulling her pillow over her head.

"You have classes in an hour!" She pulls the blankets from over Elena.

"I'm not going to class." She moans.

"Well if you want to graduate I would suggest you get your lazy ass out of bed, or I will."
Caroline threatened as she pulled clothes from Elena's closet.

"Did Bonnie come home last night?" Elena asks.
She sits up and looks over at Bonnie's neat and untouched bed.

"No, but I have a good idea to were she is." Caroline winks at Elena.

"Oh..." She remembers. Jeremy.

"She's going to miss her classes too! Am I the only responsible person in this room?" Caroline throws Elena a pair of jeans and a red sweater.

"Thanks." She gets up.

"Hey guys, I'm here." Bonnie rushes through the door.

"How was Jeremy, Bonnie?" Caroline asks, playfully.

"Caroline really?" Elena says annoyed and steps out to get dressed.

"What!" Caroline shouts.

Elena walks down the hall in her stripped pyjama shorts, grey sweater and slippers.

She waves hello to her friends passing by and walks straight into Sam.

"Whoa!" She stumbles back.

"I'm sorry. Elena?"

"Sam? Uh hi." Elena smiles.

Sam looks down at her pj's and then back to her face.

"Cute pj's." He smirks.

Elena giggles.

"So how are you recovering?" Sam says looking into her tired eyes.

"Uh, lets just say i'm not 100%, hopefully after a long hot shower I'll won't feel as bad." She smiles.

"Hangover?" Sam ask smugly.

"A bad one." She smiles, rubbing her head

Good luck. Enjoy that shower." He laughs.

"I will, have a great day." She waves.

But before she could walk into the showers Sam calls her.


She spins around to face him, gazing into his forest green eyes.

"I completely forgot. Would you like to go to lunch with me? I haven't seen much of Mystic Falls and I was hoping for a tour."

"Right! Well I'm a great tour guide, I would love too. Meet me by the park around 12 PM?" She pulls at her fingers, nervous.

"Yeah! I will see you then." Sam slowly walks backwards, with a wide smile plastered on his face.

Elena blushes. "Bye Sam."
She bites her lower lip.

"Um, who is that, and does he have a brother?" Bonnie startles Elena from behind her.

"Bonnie!" Elena spins around.

"He's cute." She smiles at Elena.

Seeing Elena smile warmed Bonnie's heart.

Elena hasn't smiled like that in a long time.

"Sam." Elena blushes.

"Oooh you like him!" Bonnie teases.

"Him again." Caroline rolls her eyes.

"Ugh Caroline." Elena moans.

"What! I just think he's a little sketchy." Caroline says giving Elena her honest disapproval.

"Come on Caroline, Elena's thrilled! Just be happy for her." Bonnie encourages.

"Im not saying don't go out with him just be careful." Caroline hugs Elena and Bonnie.

"Okay, Im going to study in the library you two have fun in class." Caroline waves goodbye to her two best friends.

As she gets downstairs, she spots Sam talking to two guys in a black car.
She listens closely.

Sam: "Nothing to report on."

Light haired man (Dean): "Keep looking, have you seen Stefan Salvatore?"

Sam: "He doesn't go here I checked the student data base."

Light haired man (Dean): Cas and I are going to check around town. Be careful Sammy."

Dark haired man (Castiel): "Yes Sam, be careful. There are many supernatural entities in this area."

Sam: "Thanks for the tip Cas."

Light haired man (Dean): "All right, walking EMF. Have fun learning boring stuff."

The black car pulls out from the parking lot.

Sam walks over to the library.

When he turns he sees Caroline standing in front of him.

"Jesus." He jumps.
"You scared me."

"Who was that?" Caroline asks with her arms crossed.

"Well hello to you two Caroline." Sam smirks.

"Who were they?" Caroline repeats her question more aggressively.

"Just some cops." Sam shrugs.

"You didn't seem intimidated. I mean they are cops." Caroline clenches her jaw.

"I have nothing to hide." Sam gives Caroline a very believable innocent smile.

He walks past her and into the library .
Caroline pulls her phone from her pocket, and calls Stefan.

"Hey, Stefan we have a problem..."

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