A Supernatural Breakfast Club

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Sam woke up once again gasping for air as he arises from his deep slumber; he had lost count of how many times he had died.

"I was hoping you'd wake up, I was getting lonely." Damon smirked sitting across from Sam toying with Sam's knife.

There was some light that escaped through the old rotten wood boarding the windows, enough light to see Damon Salvatore's smug face.

Sam sighs, his head hung down, sweat dripping from his hair, sinking back into the rusty chair. He could smell his own dry blood that itched his neck and arms, the smell made his stomach turn; the pain hadn't subsided, the burning pain in his veins and stiffness in his neck and spine became unbearable.

"So good news...for me. I talked to Dean, and he's going to bring my ring."
Damon shares wiggling his fingers.

Sam avoided eye contact with Damon, ignoring his wise remarks.

"Really the silent treatment, and they said you were the mature one."

"They?" Asks Sam his voice raspy.

"I do know other's who have met you, well I knew others who have met you. Because of course you boys are a storyline legend no one lives to tell."

"Well except me. That will be a story to tell, the death of Sam Winchester." Damon teases running the blade slowly and lightly across Sam's neck.

"How is this going to help you get Elena back?" Sam squints.

Damon freezes, his back to Sam.

"That is what this is all about, isn't it?"

Damon anger raises, inevitably causing him to take it out on Sam.

Damon slams his hand onto Sam's shoulder tearing it out of its socket.

Sam yelps, throwing his head back. His eyes squeezed tight.

"I will.." Damon starts.

"You'll what kill me? Over and over again?" Sam huffs, his dislocated shoulder hanging limply. "I'm not sure if you've noticed but I keep coming back!"

"Yeah but it will shut you up for a few hours." Damon smirks, as he plunges a knife into his liver, watching Sam choke on his own blood for the 50th time and like this time that was different from the 49 others was Damon wasn't enjoying it. His expression cold, defeated. Staring at nothing but the image of Elena's heartbreaking.
So an uncanny but usual story of Dean Winchester the Hunter, once again working with the supernatural.

"Hell no!" Dean yells hostile.

"Stefan, I don't like this plan either." Elena agrees.

Stefan calmly explains, " It's risky but it's the only plan we've got."

"Making my brother as bait, is not a plan!"

"Your brother's already bait." Stefan corrects, with a hint of irritation in his voice.

"If I show up with the ring or without it he's still going to kill Sam." Dean debates.

Caroline adds "He can't because of the ring, right now it's just torture. Plus he knows Elena likes Sam."

Elena's head snaps back to Caroline with an intense glare.

"What!? It's true." Caroline defends.

Dean rolls his eyes. "That just makes it's worse!"

"You have a better idea?" Caroline asks.

"Yeah, Brake in a Warrant song, Elena seduces him, Cas poofs Sam out, I sneak up behind him and heads will roll." Dean claps.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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