Damon Salvatore: Swan Song

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Elena storms downstairs of the Salvatore house.

"Damon!" She shouts, while Damon is downing a full glass of Bourbon.

Damon spins around to see Elena standing in front of his face. Angry.

"What the hell is wrong with you Damon!?"

His black eyebrows raise to show off his cold blue eyes. He smirks. Damon seemed to find pleasure in Elena being angry with him, it brought him closer to her.

"You can't just go around killing innocent people whenever you don't get your way!" She rips the glass out of Damon's hand.

"Hey. I was gunna drink that."

"Why did you kill those kids?"

"What kids, I didn't kill anyone. Except for that tiny bunny. The easter bunny's gunna be late this year."

"Why are you acting like this?"

"Acting like what Elena? Myself?"

"This isn't you."

"I'm not Stefan! I don't change! I'm never going to change! Can you be anything but naïve! It's pathetic and sad!" Damon shouts at Elena in a way he hasn't before, making her jump. Her eyes well up with tears.

"I hate you." She said through her tears and clenched jaw.

"And in 5 minutes you'll love me." Damon smirked.

"I really hate you." Elena glared.

"Is this a bad time?" Stefan walks into the living-room slowly, could obviously hear the fight from a block away.

"No, I was just leaving." Elena wipes the tears from her face and walks out. Not even taking a second glance back.

Damon bites his lower lip as Stefan walks over.

Damon had just realized what he had done and he was beating himself up inside, he knew what he said was wrong, and said out of frustration, but he could never admit it. That's when he knew he lost Elena for good.

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