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Cheryl was there to pick me up the next morning, just like she said she'd be.

I ended up shutting my phone off as soon as I got to the airport, not wanting to deal with anybody. It also meant that I wouldn't need to see my screen light up with Harry's name on it, anything that dealt with him was the last thing I wanted to see.

When we arrived at my house I said a small 'thank you' to Cheryl, but also thanking god that she was on spring break and back in New York when this happened. I'm not sure what I would have done if I would have had to deal with this on my own.

I assumed that Cheryl filled my parents in on what happened, considering they didn't try to talk to me when I walked in the door, just looked at me with sad smiles on their faces.

I opened up my bedroom door and turned the lights on, seeing my bedroom that I was in only a day ago, the last place I was happy.

I looked to my right and saw the shelves of mugs that I had collected over the past few months of travelling with Harry. Feeling my body fill with rage and sadness, I walked over to the shelf, completely sweeping every mug off the shelf, watching them crash into the wooden floor of my bedroom.

When each one broke, I prayed that every memory, every kiss, every touch would disappear as the cups broke into thousands of pieces. Sadly, it didn't work. I was only left with a deep, burdening sadness corrupting my entire body, and smashed glass all over my floor.

I leaned against the wall, my head coming into my knees as I wailed.

"Bella-- oh my god." My mom spoke from the door.

She walked over to me, wrapping her arms around my shaking body, I cried even harder.

I cried for the good times and the bad, any every feeling he made me feel. I cried for him, for Desiree, for myself.

I cried because in the span of a few hours, my life had been flipped upside down. The man that I loved betrayed me long ago, and kept it from me.

You know the feeling you would get just before going on stage to perform during the school talent show, or the feeling some may get before the biggest drop on a roller coaster? That's how I felt, just one hundred times worse.

It was like my heart had been ripped out of my chest and stabbed a million times, then ran over by a truck.

How could one put into words the feeling of having their heart broken by the person they thought would never betray them?

I'd never be able to get over this, the pain was unbearable and constricting.

I was falling for Harry and his games, and I crashed hard.

the end.

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