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I shifted under my comforter, peeling my eyes open and being met with bright rays of sunlight falling into the room through the half-shut blinds.

I could get used to waking up every morning and actually enjoying it.

Memories of the previous night played in my head, and I smiled. I told Harry I loved him for the first time in a romantic way, and he said it back. My heart was full, this day could not possibly get any better.

Until I remembered that we had our date tonight.

I turned over, expecting to be met with the man that I loved, but instead his side of the bed was empty. Feeling nervousness wash over me I pulled back the blankets and made my way into the living room, seeing that Harry's keys and shoes were gone.

The smile I had just moments ago left my face completely until I walked back into the bedroom and checked my phone, seeing that he sent me a text about an hour ago.

'Good morning love, I'm sorry I couldn't be there when you woke up but I got called into the studio. I'll pick you up at five, dress fancy. I love you xx'

I don't think that I'd ever get used to him saying he loves me, it was so odd but still it was one of my favourite things to hear.

'I love you. Have a great day, I look forward to seeing you later.' I texted back.

'How'd you sleep? xx' He sent back immediately.

I put some bread in the toaster and pulled myself up onto the counter.

'Good until I woke up and you weren't there:(' I sent back.

'I didn't want to wake you up, you looked too peaceful. You're beautiful when you're sleeping, by the way.'

'So I'm ugly when I'm awake?' I chuckled as I pressed send.

'Definitely not, I'll choose my words more carefully next time. I've gotta go now, I love you and I'll see you later. xx'

'I love you too Haz.'

The toaster dinged so I set my phone down and began making my breakfast. I figured today I'd be productive and get some work done and go to the gym, maybe grocery shopping? I'd have to see what I have time for.

After eating I cleaned my apartment a bit, then got dressed and went to the gym. A few of Harry's fans recognized me and asked for pictures which I found strange, but they were sweet and I wasn't bothered by it.

After the gym I did some shopping and bought a new outfit for tonight. Harry told me to dress fancy, but I wasn't sure how fancy so I took a guess and spent more on this dress than I would like to admit, but it was stunning and I didn't have many fancy dresses in my closet.

It was a short, mid thigh length burgundy dress that had a sweetheart neckline and long, lace sleeves. There were small details on the bodice, which consisted of small diamonds and lace patterns. The skirt had two layers of ruffles and gave my body the illusion of an hour glass figure. Truly, it was stunning.

Once at home I put away everything I bought, but I laid the dress out on the bed as I'd be putting it on in a few hours.

I walked over to the kitchen table, grabbing the stack of envelopes that I had gotten on the way up to my apartment.

Most of them were bills, a few cupons and some flyers. One of the bigger envelopes caught my eye.

Isabella Grace Anderson, From the University of Berkeley. The front read, in bold letters.

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