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double update bc i have this book finished in my drafts hehe

We ended up spending a lot longer at the beach than we initially intended, almost four hours just walking around.

It was nearing four am, still too early for the sun to rise but neither of us were tired. There was no point in driving an hour home to sleep.

"Wanna go for breakfast?"

"Okay," I said.

Harry stood up, holding his arm out for me to take. We grabbed our shoes and walked back over to the car.

Being outside this early felt almost like a breath of fresh air. The ocean sent filled my lungs, and the air was cool, but not cold. There was nobody around and no cars driving. I never wanted to leave this spot, especially since Harry was there with me. 

Before getting into the car I grabbed my hoodie and slipped it over my head, along with putting my vans back on.

We hopped into the range rover and drove for a few minutes before coming across a small 24-hour diner. Neither of us could complain about it as it was the only thing opened in long island at this hour, and we were starving.

We walked inside, immediately being greeted with the scent of coffee. There was a girl sitting in one of the booths by herself, and a boy that had a cup of coffee and work scattered all over his table.

"You two can sit wherever. If you'll be eating I can bring you some menus?" The waiter asked from the counter where he was washing dishes.

"That'd be great, thank you," Harry nodded, walking to a booth on the opposite side from where the other people were.

Shortly after we sat down, the waiter came over with our menus and some glasses of water.

"Coffee for either of you?" He asked.

"Please," Harry and I spoke in unison.

The waiter chuckled and grabbed a pot of coffee with two cups, setting them down on our table.

"I'll be back in a few minutes to take your orders," He smiled and walked away.

"I can't believe I haven't slept yet." Harry sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"It's just like the old days. Remember when we used to sneak out? It's still crazy to me that we spent entire nights out and we never got caught."

"I forgot about that, I feel so old now," Harry laughed.

"Well I mean, you're old enough to be my grandfather," I teased him.

Harry was about to speak when a group of girls came up to our table, one of them being the girl that was sitting alone in one of the booths.

"Hi, um, hi Harry," One of the girls was shaking as she was trying to speak.

Harry looked at me, almost like he was trying to apologise without talking. I nodded, signalling to him that this was okay, it really didn't bother me. This was part of his job, he told me many times how much he loved meeting the people that support him. I wasn't about to stand in the way of him and what he loved doing.

"Hi ladies," Harry smiled at them.

"Could we maybe get a picture?" One of the girls asked.

After that I zoned out, pulling my phone out of my back pocket. I sent a text to Cheryl, asking if we could talk at some point. Although I wasn't expecting her to answer this late.

I opened instagram, immediately being flooded with notifications from dm's, and pictures of Harry and I that I was tagged in.

The picture that caught my eye was the one of me on the beach, I looked at it this time for more than a few seconds, really looking at it. My hair was tangled and flying in different directions due to the cool breeze. The moonlight made my skin glowy, and the smile on my face was one of the biggest I ever had.

I was truly happy, you could see it.

Something that never really crossed my mind until now, was how happy being around Harry made me. Besides the past week, every time I saw him there was only ever positivity with us. Even when we were younger we never had any arguments.

He was my person, I just didn't know if I was his.

Tonight somewhat reassured that my feelings for Harry were present, and whenever we hung out, my feelings only grew. I felt horrible about it though, because he was my best friend. And part of me knew that he would never feel the same about me.

Of course it hurt, but it was something that I would have to deal with. Besides, I'd rather be friends with him than have him not be in my life at all, even if it meant keeping my feelings hidden.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Harry poking my cheek. "You look deep in thought love, everything okay?"

"Yeah of course, just happy we're okay again,"

He squeezed my hand and the waiter came to our table with our food. We both mumbled small thanks you's to him, we began to eat. Of course, Harry began stealing small bites of food from my plate.

"Harold I'm going to kick you in the pants if you don't stop."

"You know you love me Bella," He smirked.

"Debatable." I shook my head.

When we were done eating we payed and left, since it was almost five thirty in the morning.

"Wanna just go back to your parents place?"

"It's not like I have a choice, my car's there anyways."


We hopped into the range rover and started the trek home. It was long, probably an hour, but the entire time Harry's hand stayed one mine. And we got to watch the sunrise coming up behind the New York skyline, one of my favourite things about living here.

As we neared my childhood home, I felt my eyes becoming increasingly heavy, and as much as I tried keeping them open, I wasn't strong enough and soon gave into sleep.

falling - harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now