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Currently, we were standing backstage, watching Austin before they ran through sound check during the last hour before the show started.

I had never gotten to experience an artist up close and personal like this. Even during my time with Harry I hadn't really been to any of his concerts, it was such a different vibe being behind the scenes and seeing everything that goes into one show.

Cheryl had made friends with a guy from the crew who she was currently talking to, distracting him from his job, while I watched Austin on stage.

There was still about an hour to kill before they began letting people in, so I decided that I would take this time to call Harry.

I walked outside and pulled my phone out of my back pocket, quickly dialing Harry's number. It didn't ring fully before he answered.

"Hi love," He sounded cheery.

"Harry, you didn't tell me about this, I-- I'm just in shock. How'd you even get this to happen?"

"I know some people." He spoke, nonchalantly.

I smiled to myself, "You have no idea how much this means to me Harry. Really, thank you, so fucking much."

"Of course Bella. I figured you've been through hell lately, you deserve this. What do you think of Austin?"

"He's amazing, really. Probably one of the most talented people I've ever met, and he's really kind." I fidgeted with the 'crew' pass that hung around my neck. Cheryl and I were given the passes earlier so nobody would question our presence.

"I hope I'm not being replaced," He chuckled.

"Hm, I'm not sure Haz, I liked Austin quite a bit..." I laughed, teasing him.

Harry scoffed and I laughed again. "Nobody could ever replace you Haz, I promise."

"I wouldn't let you even if you tried."

I smiled and imagined that he was doing the same. It hadn't even been three days and I found myself missing him.

"I think I'm gonna go, they're gonna start letting people in soon..."

"Okay Bella. Have fun tonight, you deserve it."

"Have a good night Harry, I'll see you tomorrow."

"You too love. Bye,"

The line went dead and I took a deep breath in, heading back inside the stadium.

Austin was walking around and Cheryl was nowhere in sight, so I walked over to him.

"Hey" He said, sipping from his red solo cup.

"Hi," I smiled, eyeing the room for Cheryl.

"I dunno if anyone talked to you guys or not but if you wanna go down to the pit and watch the show from there you can, or you can stay here. It's up to you guys,''he explained.

I nodded. "We'll probably just stay here, that way we can come hangout with you after,"

"Austin! We have a few things to go over, hurry up." His tour manager came rushing in from the big hallway.

Austin rolled his eyes, "Duty calls. I'll see you later Bella."

I took a breath, realizing everything that happened in the past few hours. Cheryl and I met Post Malone, and we were friends now, he even gave me his phone number, it was crazy.

I made a mental note to thank Harry again when we got back, this was all happening because of him. He really would do anything for me, it was insane. I never had anyone in my life that tried so hard to make me feel happy, actually genuinely happy. Harry was truly the most amazing man I had ever met.

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