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double update bc this is a filler chapter lol enjoy

It was a few days later, and I still hadn't completely made up my mind about what I wanted to do. Currently, Harry was out with his parents and Cheryl was at my house helping me pack up my house. I had just over one week to make up my mind, and time was definitely not making this decision easier.

I hadn't told anyone about what Harry offered, because I wanted whatever I chose to do be one-hundred percent my decision. I needed to figure this out by myself, and Harry not bringing it up made me a bit less anxious.

"You okay Bella?" Cheryl asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, just thinking about how all of this is going to change I guess." I shrugged.

I wiped my forehead with the back of my arm. I was completely drenched in sweat, even with all of the windows open, air conditioning on, only wearing a sports bra and spandex I was overheating.

Cheryl frowned. "Everything will be okay though, Bella. I know it's normal to feel anxious, but you have people that will love and support you through everything, me included."

"Thanks Cher, I appreciate it."

"Anytime, Bella." Her phone dinged, she pulled it out of her back pocket and furrowed her eyebrows. "My mom is freaking out, I'm not sure why but she wants me to come over, seems like an emergency."

"Go! You've done a lot today, I should be able to finish everything up by myself. Thank you tons," I smiled, engulfing her in a hug. "Let me know what's happening though."

"I will, bye Bella." She quickly grabbed her things and headed out the door.

I eyed the living room. rubbing my eyes. There was still quite a lot of packing to do, which I loathed but it needed to get done.

Grabbing a few boxes I headed to the kitchen and began packing the things that I wouldn't need for the next week. My parents agreed to let me store the things I wouldn't take with me in their garage, which lessened my anxiety a bit.

I began thinking as I packed miscellaneous kitchen items into boxes. I would need to tell Harry yes or no soon, and I wasn't sure I was ready.

The thing is, if I were to go on tour with him I'd be living the dream. I did want to travel and see the world, and what better way to do it than with somebody that I love? My concern was that I'd be leaving behind a scholarship, and my education. It was my future I'd be leaving behind if I chose to go with him. And what if something happened between us and we broke up while I was on tour with him? I doubt it, but in my mind it was better to think of every scenario, especially when weighing the pros and cons of what each option would do for me.

How would I be able to decide? What would be the thing that made one choice sound better than the other? I hoped I would figure it out soon, this decision was weighing me down more than it should.

What made everything harder was that nobody knew, except me and Harry. This choice would have to be mine, not influenced by my parents or Cheryl. I couldn't confide in anybody like I normally would, but it was better this way.

"Alexa, shuffle music." I spoke loud, no longer wanting to think.

Packing would give me some time to breath without being in my head, music would override any thoughts that I had if it was loud enough.

Low and behold, of course 'Story of my life' by One Direction was the first song to play. I shook my head and let out a breathy chuckle.

I had only met the One Direction boys a couple times a few years ago. From what I remember they were nice, and quite funny. Hell, anyone was funnier than Harry. It was nice to get a break from his terrible jokes when I hung out with the other boys.

I found myself humming along to the song as the front door opened. I turned my head and was met with my beautiful boyfriend.

"Hi love," He spoke with a cheeky grin.

"Hi Harry," I smiled.

He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He slowly lowered his face to mine, our lips meeting felt euphoric. Every time I kissed him it felt like the first time, I'd never be able to get used to it.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me onto the counter. His lips began trailing down my neck and I let out a soft moan as he picked me up and squeezed me bum.

Harry didn't stop kissing my neck as he carried me to the couch. Soon enough our clothes were off and we were entangled in each other's bodies, feeling pure bliss as our bodies collided with each other.

We laid on the couch, a blanket draped over our naked bodies and heavily breathing.

Needless to say, I wasn't expecting to say two words to each other and end up going at it as soon as he got home.

"Well, that escalated quickly." I giggled.

A grin made its way onto Harry's face as he twirled my hair with his index finger and thumb.

"It did indeed," He smirked. 


"Yes baby?"

"I'm having a hard time deciding what to do."

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