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The next day we walked around the streets of Paris, not really having a plan or any ideas regarding where we wanted to go. It was the last day we had by ourselves before tour started, so deciding to just go with the flow and not have a schedule seemed like a good idea.

Harry seemed more invested in what we were doing today, so I assumed yesterday he was just bored, as he had seen the places we were at during the previous times he'd been in Paris.

"Are you hungry?" Harry asked me, swaying our hands back and fourth as we walked.

"Not really, but I could definitely go for some coffee."

One thing I loved about Paris was the coffee. There was something about it that just made it taste so much better than the coffee in america, and me being an avid coffee drinker, I was in love.

We stopped in front of a small cafe, the scent of roasted coffee beans prominent in the cool Parisian air. Harry held the door open for me, so I said a small thank you as I stepped inside.

The walls were concrete and there were couches lined up on either side of the room, with decorative pillows sitting on top of them. The walls were lined with black and white pictures, and a few shelves that had glowing candles scattered around them. The hanging lights added a cozy feeling to the small room. It was cute.

We walked up to the counter and Harry ordered for us, as I looked at the glass mugs sitting on the counter.

"Are these for sale?" I asked the lady taking our order.

"Yes, fifty percent off." She smiled sweetly.

Harry grabbed one and slid it on the counter towards her. "This as well."

Harry paid and the lady wrapped the mug so it wouldn't break during our adventures for the rest of the day. I wanted to get a souvenir from each place we went too, and I guess mugs were cliche but it's not like they wouldn't be used.

We got our drinks, then headed back outside into the crisp autumn air.

"How are you liking Paris so far?" Harry asked me.

"It's so much better than I thought it would be... like I was expecting it to be amazing, but this is just... wow." He laughed at my response.

"I'm glad you're liking it. There's nobody else that I would rather be here with." We stopped walking so we could kiss.

We spent the rest of the day walking around the city, going in and out of the little shops that lined the streets. Later in the evening we headed back to our hotel. I wanted to eat then sleep, my jetlag wasn't terrible but walking around all day really tired me out.

"What do you want for room service, Harry?" I called out to him, looking at the english side of the menu.

"Actually, I have other plans for dinner." He came out of the bathroom. "You have an hour to get ready, so dress fancy. I have to go deal with a few things but I'll be back in an hour. Text me if you need anything," He smiled, giving me a kiss then heading for the door.

"I love you Bella."

"I love you too Harry,"

So for the next hour I sat on the bathroom counter with my makeup bag and curling iron, trying not to fall asleep as I attempted to perfect my eyeliner wing.

I was a bit annoyed, as he didn't consult me with his plans first and I was completely exhausted, but at the same time he was putting effort into surprising me. No matter how annoyed or tired I was, those feelings could be shut down the moment I saw him.

Harry made me so happy that it almost scared me.

One thing that I learned too late during my last relationship was that you should never immediately put your all into one person. You could end up getting very hurt very fast, and I think that's what caused my hesitation when telling Harry how I felt.

It was scary how quickly everything happened between us, but the feelings I had for him were undeniable. I couldn't convince myself that they didn't exist, so I pulled up my big girl pants and gave myself to him. Sometimes I wondered if we were moving too fast, but I honestly couldn't see anything happening between us that could hurt us.

I loved him, and he loved me. That's all that mattered.

Harry said to dress fancy, and luckily I packed the dress I wore to dinner with my parents, and the same black heels.

An hour passed, and Harry showed up back to our room like he said he would. He was dressed in a simple black suit and red bowtie, a look I have come to love on him.

"You look gorgeous, love." He smiled, taking my hand and twirling me around.

"You don't look too bad yourself, babe."

"Are you ready to go?"

I checked my makeup one last time in the mirror, hoping that my concealer was doing its job well enough. I nodded and grabbed my things, before heading out the door.

We took the back exit of the hotel to get to a car that had a driver in it. Once we were inside the drive took off down the road.

At a certain point Harry told me to put on a blindfold and I felt deja-vu, reluctantly I put it over my eyes.

Only a few moments later the car stopped. Harry thanked the drive before getting out of the car, then helping me get out so I wouldn't trip.

He grabbed my hand and guided me to what felt to be an elevator. The two of us waited in silence as we waited to ascend or descend, I couldn't see anything so I couldn't figure out which it was.

After a few minutes it stopped and Harry grabbed both of my hands, helping me out of the elevator and into cold air. It felt as if we were outside, my theory proved to be correct when he took my blindfold off.

My eyes adjusted to the light, and I was in complete shock.

We were atop the eiffel tower, looking over Paris. There was a table set up which had what looked to be our dinner, and some tealight candles decorating it.

My mouth was ajar as I took in the view. Any feelings of exhaustion or annoyance I had completely vanished, I was only left with admiration.

"Harry..." I looked over at him.

"Do you like it?"

"Like it? Harry, this is crazy. I love it, I would have been okay with going to Mcdonalds. I'd love anything, as long as I'm with you."

He grabbed my face with both of his hands, leaning in for a passionate kiss.

"I want to show you how much you mean to me Bella. I'd do anything for you." He spoke, resting his forehead against mine.

Tears began forming in my eyes. Harry was the sweetest, most kind-hearted and compassionate man to ever enter my life. I often felt he was too good for me, he was too perfect.

"Don't cry, baby. I love you so much, you mean the world to me and I just want you to know that I'd go to the ends of the earth for you."

His words pushed me over the edge, sending tears rolling down my cheeks. I shook my head, laughing at how emotional I was.

"I would never be able to give you what you're giving me, Harry. I can't give you flights to come see me, or the most expensive clothing or candle-lit dinners on top of the eiffel tower. But I can give you my love, and I hope that's enough." I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"You will always be enough for me Bella. I don't need any of those things, I only need you."

I nodded as he used his thumb to wipe my face of any tears, his rings feeling cool on my face. "Can we eat now? I'm starving."

He laughed and nodded, kissing my forehead before we sat down at the table, bathing in love and laughter.

That night I realized how much he truly meant to me.

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