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Before I knew it, the plane was landing on the runway in Paris. Excitement coursed through my veins as I watched the wheels lower, and the plane come into contact with the tarmac. We taxied on the runway for a few minutes, until the seatbelt light turned off and everyone stood up.

I gathered my things and thanked the pilot on the way out of the plane and onto the tarmac. "Isabella!"

I looked around, looking for the person who called my name. Once I laid my eyes on him a huge grin was plastered on my face. I ran over to Harry, jumping in his arms.

"I missed you baby." He spoke into my hair.

"I missed you more," I said, lowering myself to the ground.

Harry smiled as I kissed his lips. "Welcome to Paris, Isabella."

We went and got my bags, then headed to the hotel Harry was staying in. Agreeing that we both needed a nap, we curled into bed, holding each other as the two of us fell asleep.

I was glad I was with him again.

A couple hours later I woke up, seeing that Harry was still sleeping I decided to take a shower. I walked over to my suitcase, grabbing a change of clothes. For a moment I peered out the window, taking in the beautiful Parisian scenery. The sun was beginning to set over the tall buildings, and the streets were mostly bare, except for the few people that were walking around.

The change of scenery was nice, although it still reminded me of New York. Either way, I was glad that Harry gave me the opportunity to travel with him. There were so many places I was going to see with the man I loved. What more could I ask for?

I took a long shower, the hot water felt nice and relaxed my muscles. The feeling was almost euphoric after sitting in an airplane for almost eight hours.

After showering I washed my face and combed my hair, deciding that a self care night before the busy months we had ahead would be a nice idea. I wasn't sure how much time I'd get to myself, taking a second to breath would probably be good for me.

I changed into one of Harry's t-shirts and a pair of spandex, before walking out to my suitcase and grabbing a facemask from my cosmetic bag.

Harry groaned and rolled over, before his eyes fluttered open. He lazily smiled at the sight of me.


"Hi." I smiled at the sound of his voice.

"What're you doing love?" He asked, sitting up in bed.

"Facemask, do you want one?"


I grabbed another one from my bag and walked over to his side of the bed. I kicked my leg over his, so I was sitting straddling him.

He watched me intently as I opened the package, carefully unfolding the sheet mask I placed it over his face. Then, I got up and walked to the bathroom, putting mine on. I came out to Harry glaring at his phone.

"What's wrong Haz?"

"Oh, nothing." He bit his lip.

I became a bit worried as we normally told each other everything, but if he didn't deem it important enough to tell me I wouldn't worry about it either.

"How are you doing Bella? I mean like, how are you actually doing?" He asked, shutting his phone off and placing it down.

I took a seat cross-legged on the bed next to him.

"I'm really good. Better than I've been in awhile, this is the happiest I've ever been."

"Oh? Any reason?" He smirked, tilting his head.

"Nah, not really." I giggled.

Harry grinned and pushed me back on the bed, kissing my lips then moving down to my neck. I moaned and lightly pulled at his hair, earning a groan from him. Soon enough we found ourselves nude, moving our bodies in sync.

The next morning, I was woken up by Harry tracing shapes on my thigh.

"We have the next two days to ourselves." He smiled, kissing my forehead.

"Wanna order room service for breakfast? Then we can get ready and go out." I looked up at him.

"Sounds good to me, is there anything special you want?"

"Not really, surprise me." I pecked his cheek then stood up, walking over to my suitcase to change into appropriate clothes for the day.

Harry changed after he ordered our food, then we ate quickly and were off, roaming the streets of Paris.

As weird as it sounded, I wasn't hell bent on seeing the Eiffel tower. It'd be cool, but it wasn't on my list of top ten things to do while I was visiting Paris. I was more excited to see the Louvre, and all of the artwork that was on show. If I wasn't going to school for business, I'd definitely be studying to become a history teacher.

I was a nerd, but Harry didn't seem to mind and I was thankful. The last thing that I wanted to do was take time away from him seeing the things he wanted too.

At the Louvre, we were escorted through a back door. Harry was able to pull some strings and get us in before it opened, so we could really walk around and see every piece of artwork.

"This is insane." I spoke, looking around at the various paintings and sculptures placed around the room we were in.

"I've been here a few times... but it never gets old." Harry spoke, grabbing my hand and walking towards the back of the museum.

In all of its glory, there it was; the Mona Lisa.

It was quite small, no bigger than a cereal box. Sitting in a glass container, atop a white stand with velvet ropes on every side of it.

"Wow," I spoke, feeling almost starstruck.

I walked closer to the painting, trying to get a closer look. I was about to say something to Harry, but when I looked he was no longer at my side, instead standing by the entrance of the room we were in, typing away angrily at his phone.


"Yes love?" He immediately put his phone away and walked over to me.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"

"Oh, just wondering." I pursed my lips, wondering what was going on.

We were having so much fun that I decided not to press the situation any further, I didn't want to upset Harry.

We ended up going to the Catacombs and a few more museums. Harry seemed preoccupied for the rest of the day, and I couldn't help but wonder why.

falling - harry stylesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon